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PHR - 17/44/46

Nudging healthier dietary habits: evaluation of a supermarket placement strategy in the WRAPPED study

Project title: Nudging healthier dietary habits: evaluation of a supermarket placement strategy in the WRAPPED study

Call to action: 17/44 17/44 PHR Researcher-Led - July 2017

Research type: Primary Research

Chief investigator: Dr Christina Vogel (nee Black)ORCID logo

Contractor: University of Southampton

Cost: £779,137.00

Co-investigators: Dr Sarah Crozier, Dr Wendy Lawrence, Professor Cyrus CooperORCID logo, Professor Graham MoonORCID logo, Professor Janet CadeORCID logo, Professor Janis BairdORCID logo, Professor Joanne LordORCID logo, Professor Kylie Ball.

Started: March 2019 | Status: Research in progress

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Background & Research Questions

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How the research is being done

Publications & Outputs

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Outcomes & Impact

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