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HTA - 14/199/14

WHIST - Wound Healing In Surgery for Trauma

Project title: WHIST - Wound Healing In Surgery for Trauma

Call to action: 14/192 14/192 HTA CET Open Call, HTA EoI to Full Form

Research type: Primary Research

Chief investigator: Professor Matthew CostaORCID logo

Contractor: University of Oxford

Cost: £1,655,969.00

Co-investigators: Dr Juul AchtenORCID logo, Dr Miguel Fernandez, Dr Nick ParsonsORCID logo, Mr Richard GrantORCID logo, Mrs Suzanne JonesORCID logo, Professor Jagdeep NanchahalORCID logo, Professor Jason MadanORCID logo, Professor Julie BruceORCID logo.

Started: January 2016 | Status: Research in progress

ISRCTN: 12702354

There was no evidence of a difference between incisional negative-pressure wound therapy and standard dressings in the rate of deep surgical site infection at 30 days.

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Background & Research Questions

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Outcomes & Impact

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