Journals Library

HTA - 12/01/38

Add-Aspirin Trial: A phase III double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial assessing the addition of aspirin after standard primary therapy in early stage common solid tumours

Project title: Add-Aspirin Trial: A phase III double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial assessing the addition of aspirin after standard primary therapy in early stage common solid tumours

Call to action: 12/01 12/01 HTA CET Open Call

Research type: Primary Research

Chief investigator: Professor Ruth LangleyORCID logo

Contractor: University College London

Cost: £3,124,812.00

Co-investigators: Dr Alistair RingORCID logo, Dr Duncan Gilbert, Dr Fay CaffertyORCID logo, Dr Michael Chapman, Dr Richard Hubner, Dr Sudeep Gupta, Mr Paul Cathcart, Professor Conjeevaram PrameshORCID logo, Professor David CameronORCID logo, Professor Howard KynastonORCID logo, Professor Janusz Jankowski, Professor Mahesh Parmar, Professor Richard Wilson, Professor Timothy IvesonORCID logo.

Started: May 2014 | Status: Research in progress

ISRCTN: 74358648

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Background & Research Questions

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Publications & Outputs

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Outcomes & Impact

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