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HTA - 17/42/32

SMALL: Open surgery versus minimally invasive vacuum-assisted excision for small screen-detected breast cancer a phase III randomised multi-centre trial

Project title: SMALL: Open surgery versus minimally invasive vacuum-assisted excision for small screen-detected breast cancer a phase III randomised multi-centre trial

Call to action: 17/42 17/42 HTA CET HTA EoI to Full Form closing 9 August 2017

Research type: Primary Research

Chief investigator: Mr Stuart McIntoshORCID logo

Contractor: University of Birmingham

Cost: £2,319,114.37

Co-investigators: Dr Daniel Rea, Dr David Dodwell, Dr Matthew WallisORCID logo, Dr Nisha SharmaORCID logo, Dr Sangeetha ParamasivanORCID logo, Miss Claire Gaunt, Miss Sarah Pirrie, Miss Shelley Potter, Mrs Hilary Stobart, Ms Maggie WilcoxORCID logo, Professor Charlotte ColesORCID logo, Professor Iain Lyburn, Professor Sarah PinderORCID logo, Professor Sian Taylor-PhillipsORCID logo, Professor Tracy RobertsORCID logo.

Started: October 2018 | Status: Research in progress

ISRCTN: 12240119

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Background & Research Questions

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Publications & Outputs

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Outcomes & Impact

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