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HTA - 10/68/01

Comprehensive staging of newly diagnosed lung and colorectal cancer: Prospective multicentre comparison of whole body Magnetic Resonance Imaging with standard diagnostic imaging pathways

Project title: Comprehensive staging of newly diagnosed lung and colorectal cancer: Prospective multicentre comparison of whole body Magnetic Resonance Imaging with standard diagnostic imaging pathways

Chief investigator: Professor Stuart Taylor
[Image - ORCID logo]

Contractor: University College London

Co-investigators: Associate Professor Neal Navani
[Image - ORCID logo], Dr Anne Miles
[Image - ORCID logo], Dr Ashley Groves, Dr Georgia Hardavella, Dr Rob Glynne-Jones, Dr Sandy Beare, Dr Shonit Punwani, Mr Alf Oliver, Mrs Alison Morton
[Image - ORCID logo], Professor Andrea Rockall
[Image - ORCID logo], Professor Anwar Padhani
[Image - ORCID logo], Professor Douglas Altman, Professor Dow-Mu Koh
[Image - ORCID logo], Professor John Bridgewater
[Image - ORCID logo], Professor Siow-Ming Lee, Professor Stephen Morris
[Image - ORCID logo], Professor Steve Halligan
[Image - ORCID logo], Professor Sue Mallett
[Image - ORCID logo], Professor Tobias Schaeffter, Professor Vicky Goh
[Image - ORCID logo].

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Outcomes & Impact

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