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This multi-method research programme highlighted the importance and challenges of measuring patient experience in primary care and using patient feedback for quality improvement: it identified implications for practice in eight areas.

{{author}}{{author}}{{($index < metadata.AuthorsAndEtalArray.length-1) ? ',' : '.'}}

Jenni Burt, John Campbell, Gary Abel, Ahmed Aboulghate, Faraz Ahmed, Anthea Asprey, Heather Barry, Julia Beckwith, John Benson, Olga Boiko, Pete Bower, Raff Calitri, Mary Carter, Antoinette Davey, Marc N Elliott, Natasha Elmore, Conor Farrington, Hena Wali Haque, William Henley, Val Lattimer, Nadia Llanwarne, Cathy Lloyd, Georgios Lyratzopoulos, Inocencio Maramba, Luke Mounce, Jenny Newbould, Charlotte Paddison, Richard Parker, Suzanne Richards, Martin Roberts, Claude Setodji, Jonathan Silverman, Fiona Warren, Ed Wilson, Christine Wright & Martin Roland.

Jenni Burt 1, John Campbell 2, Gary Abel 1,2, Ahmed Aboulghate 1, Faraz Ahmed 1, Anthea Asprey 2, Heather Barry 2, Julia Beckwith 1, John Benson 3, Olga Boiko 2, Pete Bower 4, Raff Calitri 2, Mary Carter 2, Antoinette Davey 2, Marc N Elliott 5, Natasha Elmore 1, Conor Farrington 1, Hena Wali Haque 1, William Henley 2, Val Lattimer 6, Nadia Llanwarne 1, Cathy Lloyd 7, Georgios Lyratzopoulos 1, Inocencio Maramba 2, Luke Mounce 2, Jenny Newbould 1, Charlotte Paddison 1, Richard Parker 3, Suzanne Richards 2, Martin Roberts 2, Claude Setodji 5, Jonathan Silverman 8, Fiona Warren 2, Ed Wilson 1, Christine Wright 2, Martin Roland 1,*

1 Cambridge Centre for Health Services Research, Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge, UK
2 University of Exeter Medical School, Exeter, UK
3 Primary Care Unit, Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge, UK
4 National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) School for Primary Care Research, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
5 RAND Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, USA
6 School of Health Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
7 Faculty of Health & Social Care, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
8 University of Cambridge Medical School, Cambridge, UK
* Corresponding author Email:

Funding: {{metadata.Funding}}

{{metadata.Journal}} Volume: {{metadata.Volume}}, Issue: {{metadata.Issue}}, Published in {{metadata.PublicationDate | date:'MMMM yyyy'}}{{metadata.DOI}}

Citation: {{author}}{{ (($index < metadata.AuthorsArray.length-1) && ($index <=6)) ? ', ' : '' }}{{(metadata.AuthorsArray.length <= 6) ? '.' : '' }} {{(metadata.AuthorsArray.length > 6) ? 'et al.' : ''}} . {{metadata.JournalShortName}} {{metadata.PublicationDate | date:'yyyy'}};{{metadata.Volume}}({{metadata.Issue}})

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