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This trial showed that there was no significant benefit of adjunctive dissociative-specific CBT in reducing the frequency of dissociative (non-epileptic) seizures at 12 months.

{{author}}{{author}}{{($index > metadata.AuthorsAndEtalArray.length-1) ? ',' : '.'}}

Laura H Goldstein 1,*, Emily J Robinson 2,3, Izabela Pilecka 1, Iain Perdue 1, Iris Mosweu 4, Julie Read 1, Harriet Jordan 1, Matthew Wilkinson 5,6, Gregg Rawlings 7, Sarah J Feehan 1, Hannah Callaghan 8, Elana Day 1, James Purnell 1, Maria Baldellou Lopez 1, Alice Brockington 9, Christine Burness 10, Norman A Poole 11, Carole Eastwood 1, Michele Moore 12, John DC Mellers 6, Jon Stone 8, Alan Carson 8, Nick Medford 6, Markus Reuber 13, Paul McCrone 4, Joanna Murray 14, Mark P Richardson 15, Sabine Landau 2,, Trudie Chalder 16,

1 Department of Psychology, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, UK
2 Department of Biostatistics and Health Informatics, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, UK
3 School of Population Health and Environmental Sciences, King’s College London, London, UK
4 King’s Health Economics, King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, London, UK
5 Canterbury Christ Church University, Salamons Institute for Applied Psychology, Tunbridge Wells, UK
6 South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
7 School of Clinical Psychology, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
8 Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
9 Department of Neurology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK
10 The Walton Centre NHS Trust, Liverpool, UK
11 Department of Neuropsychiatry, St George’s Hospital, South West London and St George’s NHS Mental Health NHS Trust, London, UK
12 Centre for Social Justice and Global Responsibility, School of Law and Social Sciences, London South Bank University, London, UK
13 Academic Neurology Unit, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
14 Department of Health Services & Population Research, Institute of Psychiatry,Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, UK
15 Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, UK
16 Department of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, UK
* Corresponding author Email:
Joint last author

Joint last author

Declared competing interests of authors: Alan Carson reports being a paid editor of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, and is the director of a research programme on functional neurological disorders; he gives independent testimony in court on a range of neuropsychiatric topics (50% pursuer, 50% defender). Sabine Landau is a paid editor of the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Markus Reuber is the paid editor-in-chief of Seizure – European Journal of Epilepsy and receives authorship fees from Oxford University Press (Oxford, UK) in relation to a number of books about dissociative seizures. Markus Reuber benefited from the support of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Sheffield Biomedical Research Centre (Translational Neuroscience). Mark P Richardson reports funding from Xenon Pharma (Burnaby, BC, Canada). Jon Stone reports independent expert testimony work for personal injury and medical negligence claims, royalties from UpToDate for articles on functional neurological disorders and runs a free non-profit self-help website, Jon Stone is also supported by an NHS Scotland NHS Research Scotland (NRS) Career Fellowship. Jon Stone and Alan Carson also acknowledge the financial support of NHS Research Scotland through the Edinburgh Clinical Research Facility. Laura Goldstein, Trudie Chalder and Sabine Landau report support from the NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London. Emily J Robinson received salary support from the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre based at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College London. Gregg Rawlings is entitled to authorship fees from Oxford University Press for several books on dissociative seizures.

Funding: {{metadata.Funding}}

{{metadata.Journal}} Volume: {{metadata.Volume}}, Issue: {{metadata.Issue}}, Published in {{metadata.PublicationDate | date:'MMMM yyyy'}}{{metadata.DOI}}

Citation:{{author}}{{ (($index < metadata.AuthorsArray.length-1) && ($index <=6)) ? ', ' : '' }}{{(metadata.AuthorsArray.length <= 6) ? '.' : '' }} {{(metadata.AuthorsArray.length > 6) ? 'et al. ' : ''}}. {{metadata.JournalShortName}} {{metadata.PublicationDate | date:'yyyy'}};{{metadata.Volume}}({{metadata.Issue}})

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