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This study showed that a trial of a mobile app with peer support and clinical triage to monitor early warning signs of schizophrenia to detect and prevent relapse is feasible.

{{author}}{{author}}{{($index > metadata.AuthorsAndEtalArray.length-1) ? ',' : '.'}}

Andrew I Gumley 1,*, Simon Bradstreet 1, John Ainsworth 2, Stephanie Allan 1, Mario Alvarez-Jimenez 3,4, Maximillian Birchwood 5, Andrew Briggs 6, Sandra Bucci 2,7, Sue Cotton 3, Lidia Engel 8, Paul French 9, Reeva Lederman 10, Shôn Lewis 2,7, Matthew Machin 11, Graeme MacLennan 12, Hamish McLeod 1, Nicola McMeekin 1, Cathy Mihalopoulos 8, Emma Morton 13, John Norrie 14, Frank Reilly 15, Matthias Schwannauer 16, Swaran P Singh 5, Suresh Sundram 17, Andrew Thompson 3,5, Chris Williams 1, Alison Yung 2, Lorna Aucott 12, John Farhall 18,19, John Gleeson 20

1 Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
2 Division of Psychology and Mental Health, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
3 Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
4 Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
5 Division of Health Sciences, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
6 Department of Health Services Research and Policy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, UK
7 Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK
8 School of Health and Social Development, Deakin University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
9 Department of Nursing, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK
10 School of Computing and Information Systems, Melbourne School of Engineering, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
11 Division of Informatics, Imaging and Data Sciences, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
12 Health Services Research Unit, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
13 Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
14 Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
15 Scottish Recovery Network, Glasgow, UK
16 School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
17 Department of Psychiatry, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
18 Department of Psychology and Counselling, La Trobe University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
19 NorthWestern Mental Health, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
20 Healthy Brain and Mind Research Centre, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
* Corresponding author Email:

Funding: {{metadata.Funding}}

{{metadata.Journal}} Volume: {{metadata.Volume}}, Issue: {{metadata.Issue}}, Published in {{metadata.PublicationDate | date:'MMMM yyyy'}}{{metadata.DOI}}

Citation:{{author}}{{ (($index < metadata.AuthorsArray.length-1) && ($index <=6)) ? ', ' : '' }}{{(metadata.AuthorsArray.length <= 6) ? '.' : '' }} {{(metadata.AuthorsArray.length > 6) ? 'et al. ' : ''}}. {{metadata.JournalShortName}} {{metadata.PublicationDate | date:'yyyy'}};{{metadata.Volume}}({{metadata.Issue}})

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