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HTA - NIHR131081

Bracing Adolescent Idiopathic ScoliosIS (BASIS) Study night-time versus full-time bracing in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.

Project title: Bracing Adolescent Idiopathic ScoliosIS (BASIS) Study night-time versus full-time bracing in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.

Call to action: 19/87 19/87 Night-time only bracing for scoliosis

Research type: Primary Research

Chief investigator: Mr Ashley ColeORCID logo

Contractor: Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust

Cost: £2,457,724.34

Co-investigators: Dr Frances SherrattORCID logo, Dr Nicholas LatimerORCID logo, Dr Raveen Jayasuriya, Honorary Professor Adrian GardnerORCID logo, Mr Andrew MillsORCID logo, Mr Robin ChattersORCID logo, Mr Sashin AhujaORCID logo, Mrs Julie Walker, Ms Laura HarrisORCID logo, Ms Nikki TottonORCID logo, Ms Sarah Greenwood, Professor Bridget YoungORCID logo, Professor Daniel HindORCID logo, Professor Stephen WaltersORCID logo.

Started: January 2021 | Status: Research in progress

ISRCTN: 63247077

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Background & Research Questions

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How the research is being done

Publications & Outputs

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Outcomes & Impact

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