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HTA - 11/36/46

Late aneurysm-related mortality up to 15 years, secondary endovascular repair, late sac rupture risk, costs & cost effectiveness implications in the United Kingdom EndoVascular Aneurysm Repair randomised controlled trials and management of type II endoleaks

Project title: Late aneurysm-related mortality up to 15 years, secondary endovascular repair, late sac rupture risk, costs & cost effectiveness implications in the United Kingdom EndoVascular Aneurysm Repair randomised controlled trials and management of type II endoleaks

Call to action: 11/36 HTA Clinical Trials - November 2011 Board submission (May 2011 deadline)

Research type: Primary Research

Chief investigator: Professor Roger GreenhalghORCID logo

Contractor: Imperial College London

Cost: £402,381.34

Co-investigators: Dr David EpsteinORCID logo, Dr Michael SweetingORCID logo, Mr Colin BicknellORCID logo, Professor Janet PowellORCID logo, Professor Mark Sculpher.

Started: December 2012 | Status: Project complete

ISRCTN: 55703451

Over a mean of 12.7 years' follow up, there is no survival difference between endovascular repair and open repair and endovascular repair is more costly over a patient's lifetime.

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Outcomes & Impact

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