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Improving patient- and carer-centred outcomes in longer-term stroke care and an exploration of adjustment post stroke

Date: 14 January 2015

There have been important steps forward in the treatment of patients soon after a stroke. However, longer-term recovery can be challenging.

Professor Anne Forster and her team’s NIHR Programme Grants funded LoTS care research programme focused on the needs of patients and their carers after hospital discharge and in the longer term.

A system for longer-term stroke care was developed which included structured assessment questions, based on problems that are of importance to patients and their carers, and linked to information about treatment options and action plans.

The team have developed systems of care, assessment tools, and gained insights into patients’ needs and experiences. All will inform improved care strategies after stroke.

Professor Forster said: “This NIHR Programme Grant provided a fantastic opportunity to explore, and try to address, the challenges facing people after stroke, and their families. Through this work we have created a range of information and materials which will help improve services for this patient group. We thank the many people, including over 1,500 patients and their carers, who helped us with this work."

Read the full report.