Journals Library

All artwork will be redrawn to journal style.

The resolution and image quality of figures and photographic images are very important. Therefore, please follow the advice below when supplying these items.

Most image formats can be used, e.g. TIFF or EPS files. Line figures drawn in PowerPoint are also acceptable.

Below are some guidelines for each type of artwork file:

  • Images that are made up of photographic images and both text and lines can be saved as EPS or TIFF (at a resolution of 600 dpi)
  • For line art EPS files give the best quality
  • BITMAP files (TIFF, JPEG, etc.) files of text and line art should be saved at 800 dpi
  • Supply colour photographic images in CMYK colour mode, not RGB
  • Photographic images should be saved at 250–300 dpi
  • Digital images (i.e. directly from a digital camera or other imaging device or from scanned photographs) should be saved as a TIFF file
  • All photographic images should be anonymised