Article history
The research reported in this issue of the journal was funded by the HTA programme as project number 15/174/24. The contractual start date was in January 2018. The draft report began editorial review in April 2020 and was accepted for publication in July 2020. The authors have been wholly responsible for all data collection, analysis and interpretation, and for writing up their work. The HTA editors and publisher have tried to ensure the accuracy of the authors’ report and would like to thank the reviewers for their constructive comments on the draft document. However, they do not accept liability for damages or losses arising from material published in this report.
Copyright statement
© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2021. This work was produced by Fordham et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
2021 Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO
Chapter 1 Background
Cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) is an amalgam of interventions that emerged from cognitive and behavioural psychological models. It aims to improve patients’ quality of life by changing their maladaptive cognitions that maintain problematic symptoms. The basic principles of CBT are presented in Figure 1.
Cognitive–behavioural therapy can be delivered in different formats. High-intensity CBT has been defined as formal CBT with a trained health professional, predominantly delivered face to face, in an individual or group format. 1 Low-intensity CBT focuses on self-help and can be delivered by health professionals with brief CBT training (non-psychologists) and via several platforms (internet, telephone, paper based or face to face). 1 The distinction can become less clear in some forms of CBT in which high-intensity therapy is combined with low-intensity self-help methods.
A previous overview of CBT reviews,2 conducted in 2012, identified 296 reviews. However, only 11 of these synthesised randomised controlled trial (RCT) evidence; therefore, the conclusions are subject to increased bias. 2 Since this overview,2 there have been many more trials and reviews. There has also been more guidance for conducting and reporting high-quality trials and reviews. 3–6 The existing CBT trial and review evidence base is large, yet the majority of expenditure on psychological treatment research remains focused on CBT effectiveness. 7 Some researchers have argued that CBT is in a ‘virtuous circle: money pours into research, evidence accumulates, more financial support is given to . . . [CBT] . . . and other forms of psychotherapy are excluded’8 (Peter Fonagy, University College London) (Copyright © The Economist Newspaper Limited 2014. Reproduced with permission). In providing a comprehensive cross-sectional map of the best-quality available evidence, we can provide an indication of where CBT has an evidence base to support its effectiveness and where future research resources would be best directed.
Cognitive–behavioural therapy interventions share an underlying process, common therapeutic style and employ similar techniques (e.g. guided discovery), yet the condition-, population- and context-specific protocols can look very different from one another. Because of the commonality of CBT interventions across conditions, it is plausible that CBT can produce a general effect across conditions. However, to date, to our knowledge, there is no overarching estimate regarding the consistency of CBT’s effect across different condition categories. We propose to generate such an effect by performing panoramic meta-analyses (PMAs) on the effect estimates generated in each condition.
The concept and methodology of systematically reviewing systematic reviews is established, and includes quality and reporting guidelines. 9,10 However, the existing reviews of systematic reviews are typically undertaken to compare multiple interventions in one condition. 11,12 For this overview, we are interested in examining one intervention (CBT) across multiple conditions. In this overview, the classification of a ‘condition’ was based on the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) International Classification of Diseases, Eleventh Revision (ICD-11). 13 The WHO must consider cultural, religious and political differences that can influence condition categorisation. In using this internationally recognised tool, we developed research findings that are meaningful to a global audience. In looking across conditions, we examined the effect of CBT across all populations, with CBT compared with all types of comparator. Our primary outcome is health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and we include three secondary outcomes (depression, anxiety and pain) that would contribute to an individual’s quality-of-life rating.
We employ PMA, which is an emerging methodology to synthesise systematic reviews across conditions. 14,15 When methodological assumptions are met, it allows pooling of effect sizes across conditions. This produces an average effect across conditions, which, because of enlarged sample sizes, is estimated with more precision than within-condition pooled estimates.
Chapter 2 Aim and objectives
The overarching aim of the overview was to map the existing CBT systematic review evidence base and to examine if CBT produced an across-condition, general effect on HRQoL.
To answer these research aims, the following steps were undertaken.
Step 1: data mapping
We identified all available systematic reviews of CBT and mapped these according to:
conditions (ICD-11 category, severity)
populations (age, sex, ethnicity, countries where the trials were conducted)
context (delivery format, care setting, intervention timing)
quality of the reviews.
The mapping exercise identified where there is/is not a high- or low-quality systematic review or meta-analysis of RCTs examining the effectiveness of CBT.
Step 2: panoramic meta-analysis
Reviews from step 1 that had sufficient quantitative data were entered into a PMA for the primary outcome of HRQoL and for the secondary outcomes of depression, anxiety and pain. Sensitivity analyses based on quality were performed.
If across-condition heterogeneity was not considerable, an across-condition general effect was generated for each outcome. Subgroup analyses based on age, CBT intensity, duration of follow-up and type of comparators were undertaken. We checked every within-condition and subgroup analysis to examine if there was evidence of inconsistency with the overall effect estimate.
In Chapter 6, we explore the extent to which the existing evidence base could be used to guide treatment, commissioning and research investment decisions. The aim of the patient and public input into the overview was to ensure that the overview produced work that remained rooted in the overall aim: to improve health for patients receiving CBT.
Chapter 3 Review methods
The methods for the mapping stage of the overview are presented first, followed by the methods for the PMA. The protocol was registered with PROSPERO, the international prospective register of systematic reviews (number CRD42017078690), and published open access. 16
Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the mapping
Types of reviews
We included all reviews that reported RCTs if they met four of the five methodological criteria outlined by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) at the University of York, as part of the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE). 17 DARE was consulted for its guidance in the application of the criteria:
Were inclusion/exclusion criteria reported?
Was the search adequate? (Databases stated, more than one database searched or one database plus checking references, hand-searching, contact with researchers, citation searching, internet searching.)
Were the included studies synthesised?
Was the quality of the included studies assessed?
Are sufficient details about the individual studies presented? (Details on the population/setting, intervention and a result for each included study.)
We included reviews of RCTs comparing CBT with an active or non-active comparator. Reviews containing randomised and non-randomised studies were included only if RCT data were summarised separately. We excluded reviews based on any other study designs (e.g. quasi-randomised, non-randomised).
Type of health condition
The ICD-11 classifies mental and physical diseases, disorders, injuries and other related health problems in a comprehensive and hierarchical fashion, and is used as a standard for both clinical and research purposes. 13 The term condition will be used throughout this report to represent diseases, disorders and injuries. Participants with any conditions recognised by the ICD-11 or its nominal categorisation, and of any severity, were included. Non-health-related problems, such as procrastination, were excluded.
For physical conditions, we categorised reviews under the primary ICD-11 codes. For mental conditions, we used the secondary level of ICD-11 codes listed underneath the primary code of 06 mental, behavioural or neurodevelopmental disorders. A review was categorised according to its primary aims. For example, if a review examined the effectiveness of CBT to improve quality of life for people living with diabetes, then 05: Endocrine diseases was the condition category. However, if a review examined the effectiveness of CBT for improving depression in people living with diabetes, then the review was classified as 6A60-80 mood disorders, with comorbid 05 endocrine diseases. Box 1 shows all of the primary and secondary codes that could be considered in grouping reviews together.
01 Certain infectious or parasitic diseases.
02 Neoplasms.
03 Diseases of the blood.
04 Diseases of the immune system.
05 Endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases.
07 Sleep–wake disorders.
08 Diseases of the nervous system.
09 Diseases of the visual system.
10 Diseases of the ear or mastoid process.
11 Diseases of the circulatory system.
12 Diseases of the respiratory system.
13 Diseases of the digestive system.
14 Diseases of the skin.
15 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
16 Diseases of the genitourinary system.
17 Conditions related to sexual health.
18 Pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
19 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period.
20 Developmental abnormalities.
21 Symptoms and signs not elsewhere classified.
6A00-06: neurodevelopmental disorders.
6A20-25: schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders.
6A40-41: catatonia.
6A60-80: mood disorders.
6B00-06: anxiety or fear-related disorders.
6B20-25: obsessive–compulsive disorders.
6B40-45: disorders specifically associated with stress.
6B60-66: dissociative disorders.
6B80-85: feeding or eating disorders.
6C00-01: elimination disorders.
6C20-21: disorders of bodily distress.
6C40-51: disorders due to substance use or addictive behaviours.
6C70-73: impulse control disorders.
6C90-91: disruptive behaviour or dissocial disorder.
6D10-11: personality disorders and related traits.
6D30-36: paraphilic disorders.
6D50-51: factitious disorders.
6D70-72: neurocognitive disorders.
6E20-21: mental or behavioural disorders associated with pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
6E40: psychological or behavioural factors not elsewhere classified.
Types of participants
We included participants of any age [children/adolescents (aged < 18 years), adults (aged 18–65 years) and older adults (aged > 65 years)], either sex and any ethnicity.
Types of health-care setting
We included reviews of RCTs that were conducted in any setting [e.g. primary care, secondary care, school/university, institutional (residential care)] and in any country.
Types of delivery timing
We included reviews of RCTs in which CBT was delivered preventatively, as a standard responsive care or as a relapse prevention.
Types of interventions
We included only reviews that evaluated CBT. Interventions were accepted as CBT when authors explicitly stated so in the title, abstract or keywords, or when the review defined the intervention as including at least one cognitive and one behavioural element.
If a trial intervention combined CBT with another therapy and the other therapy was used as a comparator condition (e.g. CBT plus pharmacotherapy compared with pharmacotherapy), then we included these trials. If a trial combined CBT with another therapy and this was compared with another type of comparator [e.g. CBT plus pharmacotherapy compared with wait-list control (WLC)], then we excluded these reviews because we could not extract the isolated effects of CBT.
All modes of CBT delivery were included and categorised into high or low intensity, based on the definitions by Roth and Pilling. 1 High-intensity CBT was defined as face-to-face, individual or group therapy, delivered by a trained CBT therapist. Low-intensity was CBT delivered via media (internet, written, telephone), or was when face-to-face, individual or group CBT was administered by a non-CBT therapist (paraprofessional or layperson). If the review did not report the intensity of the intervention, it was assumed to be high-intensity CBT. We excluded all non-CBTs: cognitive therapy, behavioural therapy, third-wave CBT (e.g. acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness therapy), motivational interviewing, stress inoculation therapy, problem-solving therapy and stress management therapy.
Types of comparators
We included reviews that compared CBT with one of the following: (1) a non-CBT-based active comparator (e.g. other psychological therapy, pharmacotherapy), (2) a non-active comparator [e.g. placebo, WLC, treatment as usual (TAU), standard care, no treatment] or (3) a CBT-based active comparator of different intensity [e.g. face-to-face CBT (high intensity) compared with internet-based CBT (low intensity)]. We excluded reviews that compared variations of high-intensity (e.g. group CBT compared with individual CBT) or low-intensity CBT (internet CBT compared with bibliotherapy CBT).
Types of outcomes
We included reviews if they reported data on at least one of the following outcomes: HRQoL, anxiety, depression or a condition-specific outcome (e.g. pain).
Length of follow-up
We included reviews with post-treatment, short-term (< 12 months) or long-term (≥ 12 months) follow-up data. If both short- and long-term follow-up data were reported, the synthesis of only the longest follow-up time point was included.
Search methods for identification of systematic reviews
We followed the principles of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions3 and recommendations for conducting overviews of systematic reviews9 to identify systematic reviews for the overview.
Information sources
The DARE (up to March 2015), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, MEDLINE (via Ovid), EMBASE (via Ovid), PsycINFO (via Ovid), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) (via EBSCOhost), Child Development & Adolescent Studies (via EBSCOhost) and OpenGrey databases were searched on 25–27 April 2018 to identify relevant systematic reviews published between 1992 and 2018. An updated search was run on all the above databases on 30 January 2019, covering the period from April 2018 to 30 January 2019, excluding DARE, which is no longer updated. Owing to the volume of material being processed and the time constraints associated with this process, the reference lists of included reviews were not hand-searched for additional reviews. We did not contact authors for additional information to confirm inclusion/exclusion.
Search strategy
Comprehensive search strategies for each of the eight databases were designed by a senior research information specialist (SK). Each search strategy was developed iteratively, and a sensitivity check was performed in each database for the ability of each strategy to retrieve 36 key known papers (where indexed) that had been identified a priori (see Appendix 1). The included search terms were identified from these reviews and their associated database indexing terms, and with input from the expert consultation group (ECG). The search strategies utilised a combination of free text and controlled vocabulary search terms covering variations of ‘CBT’ searched in the title, abstract or keyword fields, and were combined with validated study-type filters for ‘systematic review’. The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network systematic review search filters available on the InterTASC (Technology Appraisal Support Collaboration) Information Specialists’ Sub-Group website18 was used to search the MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL databases. The McMaster University Health Information Research Unit systematic review filter19 was modified and used in the PsycINFO search. The full search strategies for all the databases can be found in Appendix 2.
The scoping work identified that the earliest published review of CBT is from 1992. 20 Therefore, we restricted our search to reviews published since 1992. The search was not restricted in terms of language, although we subsequently excluded non-English-language reviews (see Protocol revisions).
Data management
The database search results were exported into Endnote [Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters), Philadelphia, PA, USA] for deduplication and then exported into Covidence (Melbourne, VIC, Australia), a Cochrane technology platform designed and recommended for systematic review management,3 and a final deduplication check was performed. The full texts of reviews shortlisted for full-text analysis were also uploaded to and screened in Covidence. Data extraction was performed using Microsoft Excel® (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA).
Study selection
Two review authors (TS and BF) independently screened the titles and abstracts of all the references identified by the search strategy. The full texts of the selected reviews were obtained via online resources or through Bodleian Libraries. Reviews were screened for eligibility by two review authors (KE and TS), using the criteria stipulated in Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the mapping; disagreements were resolved by consensus or deliberation with a third reviewer (BF).
Data extraction
A bespoke data extraction form was developed. This form was piloted by two reviewers (BF and TS) using the sensitivity check papers recommended by the ECG (see Appendix 1).
We extracted the following information:
review identification details – author, date of publication, aim, number of included RCTs and number of participants, risk-of-bias tool used
participant details – primary condition (that which the intervention is primarily aiming to treat) and comorbid conditions, severity, age category (children and adolescents aged < 18 years, adults aged 18–65 years and older adults aged > 65 years), sex, ethnicity
setting – from where participants were recruited, treatment timing (e.g. preventative, early, standard, relapse prevention) and countries where the individual RCTs were conducted
intervention details – CBT intensity, and, if available, number, duration and frequency of sessions and intervention content description
comparator details – description of comparator interventions (active: CBT or non-CBT interventions; non-active: WLC, TAU, no treatment)
outcomes: what outcome was measured, follow-up period (short or long), the number of RCTs and number of participants summarised for this outcome, and whether or not a meta-analysis was conducted.
No numerical data were extracted at this stage. If a review had looked for one of our relevant outcomes but did not find any CBT RCTs, this was recorded. When available, we extracted information on patients’ perspectives of CBT, for example patient satisfaction ratings, levels of adherence, dropout rates and any reported adverse events. When available, we extracted information on patient satisfaction, acceptability, adverse events and economic evaluations. An example data extraction form can be found in Appendix 3.
Quality assessment of reviews
The methodological quality of all the included systematic reviews was independently assessed by two review authors (KE, TS or BC) using the A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews (AMSTAR)-2 checklist. 4 This checklist assesses the quality of the review design, analysis and reporting, but does not account for the risk of bias of the included RCTs. Because of the overview design (i.e. the review was conducted at the review level), it was outside the scope of this study to return to the RCT level to perform risk-of-bias assessments. Discrepancies between reviewers were adjudicated by another reviewer (BF). We used the online checklist21 (see Appendix 4) to complete the 16 items scored either as ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘partial yes.’ This automatically generated a review rating of ‘critically low’, ‘low’, ‘moderate’ or ‘high’ quality. We stratified the reviews based on their AMSTAR-2 score into higher-quality reviews (those rated ‘high’ or ‘moderate’ on the AMSTAR-2 checklist) and lower-quality reviews (those rated as ‘low’ or ‘critically low’) (Beverly Shea, University of Ottawa, 25 March 2019, personal communication).
We calculated the agreement on the overall quality rating between the two main reviewers (KE and TS) using weighted kappa (κw) (interpreted as < 0.20, poor; 0.21–0.40, fair; 0.41–0.60, moderate; 0.61–0.80, good; and 0.81–1.00, very good). 22
Independent, double data extraction was undertaken by two reviewers (KE, TS or BC). All data extraction forms and quality checklists were then cross-checked by a third reviewer (BF). All information from the data extraction sheets was entered into a review database, and graphic representation of quality was provided.
Visualisations mapping
The evidence from all the included systematic reviews was synthesised using the following types of charts, tables and maps.
Bubble chart
The evidence was grouped under the corresponding ICD-11 primary or secondary code. The volume of evidence, in terms of number of reviews, RCTs and participants, was then imported from Microsoft Excel into TIBCO Spotfire® (TIBCO, Software Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA) software23 to produce a bubble chart. The axes of the bubble charts were very large, ranging from 0 to 45,000 participants. To help readability of the charts, we stratified reviews into those with < 1000 participants and those with ≥ 1000 participants.
Summary tables
The detailed description of each included review was represented in summary tables.
Gap maps
The condition and population and context characteristics extracted from the included reviews were populated in an Excel spreadsheet to identify any gaps in the evidence base, and were summarised.
Panoramic meta-analysis
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
From the reviews identified in the mapping stage, we selected the higher-quality reviews (rated ‘high’ or ‘moderate’ on AMSTAR-2) that contained quantitative data (either a single RCT or a meta-analytic effect estimate generated from pooling across multiple RCTs). We extracted these data for HRQoL, depression, anxiety and pain (the most commonly reported condition-specific outcome).
Reviews often contained multiple meta-analyses conducted on data from the same participants for a single outcome (e.g. CBT vs. active comparators, CBT vs. non-active comparators, symptom response, recovery, relapse, remission). To avoid double-counting studies, one meta-analysis per outcome per condition had to be chosen from each review. We used a predefined, step-by-step, hierarchy system in line with the review objectives. We included the meta-analysis (or single RCT) (1) with the longest follow-up time; (2) with the largest number of included RCTs; (3) that used measurement tools with the highest psychometric properties; (4) with the largest number of participants; (5) for which an active comparator was prioritised over non-active comparators; (6) for which continuous outcomes were prioritised over dichotomous outcomes; (7) for which, within dichotomous outcomes, the odds ratio (OR) was prioritised over the risk ratio (RR); (8) for which a random-effects meta-analysis was prioritised over fixed effects; and (9) for which self-report measures were prioritised over clinician-rated measures.
We then grouped the reviews that included quantitative data on each outcome (HRQoL, depression, anxiety and pain). Some of the reviews shared the same RCTs. To avoid double-counting evidence, we had to select one review to include in the PMA. We used a predefined selection process. 15 If two or more reviews shared the same RCT(s), we included the review (1) with the longest follow-up time, (2) with the highest AMSTAR-2 rating, (3) that was the most recently published, (4) with the largest number of RCTs or (5) with the largest number of participants.
Data extraction
We extracted the following data: number of participants in total and per group, number of participants who achieved the desired outcome in the case of dichotomous outcomes, effect sizes, confidence intervals (CIs), direction of effect, heterogeneity measures and type of meta-analysis. An example data extraction form can be found in Appendix 5.
Data management
Data from the data extraction sheets were entered into a master database (Excel) and exported into Stata® versions 13.1 and 16.0 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX, USA). The PMAs were conducted by four reviewers (BC, HL, KE and TS).
Data analyses
Heterogeneity tests
We conducted a PMA per outcome measure. Review data were entered into an ICD-11 condition subgroup analysis and we tested the within-condition statistical heterogeneity across the reviews. In parallel, we tested the heterogeneity across the ICD-11 condition subgroup categories.
Assumptions for pooling across conditions
We developed three a priori conditions that must be met for us to pool the effect estimates across ICD-11 conditions categories:
Intervention homogeneity: the ECG and investigators (see Expert consultation group including patient and public involvement) agreed that, although investigators often use condition-, population- and context-specific protocols, the principles of CBT (see Figure 1) are the same across all conditions. This allows us to make a judgement of intervention homogeneity and, provided the other criteria are met, to pool estimates across conditions.
Design homogeneity: it is possible that meta-analytic estimates of effects would be moderated by differences between the review’s underlying design and methodologies. The review estimates would also be influenced by the quality of the included RCTs. However, a RCT-level quality assessment was beyond the scope of this overview. Therefore, we used the proxy of assuming that the highest-quality reviews would be more likely to be unbiased in their methods and would probably report from the best-available evidence. We minimised review design (but not RCT design) variation by including only reviews that adhered to the CRD review criteria and were graded as being of high or moderate quality on the AMSTAR-2 tool (higher-quality reviews); hence, we could claim design homogeneity. We ran a sensitivity analysis (which included higher- and lower-quality review data) to ascertain if the variation in review quality affected the homogeneity of effect estimates across conditions.
Statistical homogeneity: statistical heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 statistic; this is expressed as a percentage. A higher percentage is indicative of greater heterogeneity. I2 reflects the variation in effect estimates between reviews that is attributable to heterogeneity. 24 There is no guidance regarding acceptable heterogeneity for PMAs. We used the guidance for meta-analysis heterogeneity,25 which suggests that I2 of < 75% is acceptable for pooling across the categories.
Panoramic meta-analysis method
The PMA was undertaken using a two-step frequentist approach random-effects model using the ‘metan’ command in Stata (versions 13.1 and 16). The two-step analysis consists of performing a conventional meta-analysis of a series of meta-analyses. The first step is undertaken by the original reviewers in obtaining a pooled treatment effect based on their included trials. Many of these will have been estimated via a random-effects meta-analysis, but some will have been analysed using a fixed-effects approach. Nonetheless, we assume that within-review variability has been appropriately allowed for. In the second step, the pooled estimates (with CIs) from each of the systematic reviews are combined into an overall (over all reviews) pooled estimate. At this point, we use a random-effects approach using the DerSimonian–Laird26 approach. We obtained a pooled estimate from within condition and also across conditions, if the across-condition heterogeneity was < 75%. In the few cases where data required for the meta-analysis, such as standard deviations or CIs, were missing, we referred to the individual RCT paper to extract this information.
Primary analysis
The primary analysis was conducted on continuous, end-point data extracted from higher-quality reviews (AMSTAR-2 rating of ‘moderate’ or ‘high’ quality) if there were more than two systematic review per comparison. The primary outcome was HRQoL and the secondary outcomes were depression, anxiety and pain.
We analysed the standardised mean differences (SMDs). When reviews reported values as mean differences, we converted the pooled estimate into a SMD using the standard deviation reported. 27 We reported the 95% CIs and the prediction intervals. These offer a prediction of the distribution of SMDs from future reviews, perhaps in other conditions that have not been included in our overview.
Secondary analysis
Some reviews reported change scores only; we pooled these separately because of concerns that these may be biased as a result of regression to the mean. 28 We performed separate PMAs for RRs and ORs.
We grouped reviews that directly compared high- with low-intensity CBT, irrespective of the condition, and analysed this group separately.
Transforming the standardised mean difference into a mean difference
To make meaningful interpretations, the overall pooled estimate (i.e. the SMD) for each outcome was transformed into a mean difference. The SMD was multiplied by the standard deviation of the most commonly used outcome measure (e.g. Beck Depression Inventory for depression) for each outcome. 29 To find a suitable standard deviation for the measurement tool, we identified a higher-quality review, which included a low risk-of-bias RCT that had used the most common outcome measure. From that trial, we extracted the standard deviation of the outcome measure at baseline.
Publication bias
When ≥ 10 reviews were included in the meta-analysis, publication bias and small-study effects were tested for using Egger’s regression intercept30 and a visual assessment of funnel plot asymmetry. We used a conservative value of p < 0.1 at CIs of 95% to reflect asymmetry.
Subgroup analysis
Subgroup analyses were agreed a priori and were performed if four or more reviews were included in the meta-analysis across all conditions for each of the outcomes on the following: (1) CBT intensity (high/low intensity), (2) age (children and adolescents, adults, older adults), (3) duration of follow-up (short: < 12 months, long: > 12 months) and (4) comparator group (active, non-active). The subgroups were separated using the ‘by()’ command in Stata.
We ran interaction tests between the subgroups using an exploratory meta-regression. The meta-regression used the method of moments estimate of between-study variance and the ‘metareg’ command in Stata.
If we identified any reviews that directly compared high-intensity CBT with low-intensity CBT, we grouped these reviews together by outcomes (HRQoL, depression, anxiety and pain). If their estimates were homogeneous, then we pooled across the reviews as an example of direct comparison.
Sensitivity analysis
To test whether or not the quality of the reviews moderated the effect estimate and or heterogeneity, we ran a sensitivity analysis in which we included data from all reviews, irrespective of their AMSTAR-2 quality, for each outcome PMA. Then we compared the heterogeneity and pooled effect estimates between the sensitivity analyses and the primary analyses (which included only data from higher-quality reviews, i.e. those of ‘high’ and ‘moderate’ AMSTAR-2 quality).
We also conducted a sensitivity analysis in the HRQoL PMA for the two subscales of the Short Form questionnaire-12 items (SF-12)/Short Form questionnaire-36 items (SF-36) instruments. These instruments include a physical composite score and a mental composite score, but the tool does not pool them together. We prioritised the physical component scale (as recommended by the ECG; see Expert consultation group including patient and public involvement), then we re-ran the analyses using the mental component scale to determine if this changed the results.
Consistency of effect
We employed an ontological argument, which suggests that a lack of inconsistency across evidence suggests consistency of effect. 31 We examined the effect estimates from each condition subgroup (pooled effect across all reviews conducted within one condition), subgroup analyses (e.g. active/non-active comparator groups), sensitivity analyses (including the additional condition subgroup analyses) and secondary analyses (e.g. pooled effects across dichotomous outcomes). If any analyses produced a statistically significant effect in favour of the group (comparator or CBT) that was contrary to the overall pooled effect estimate, then the evidence for the general effect was inconsistent across the included conditions. If we did not identify any contrary evidence across any of the conditions or subgroups, then we declared that the overall effect was consistent across all included conditions.
Expert consultation group including patient and public involvement
We worked with a CBT ECG consisting of clinical academics (n = 6), research academics (n = 8) and patient representatives (n = 4). We met with this group directly on three occasions (January 2018, February 2019 and September 2019) and communicated via telephone/e-mail throughout the overview process. For each meeting, the group was sent a workbook of the work to date and a set of questions for the members to comment on. These were collected at the end of each meeting to ensure that all members’ contributions were collated and recognised. The group was not involved in any of the data extraction or quality assessment of the reviews. The ECG provided advice on methods and interpretation, but the final decisions were taken by the study investigators.
Expert consultation group meeting 1: January 2018
In the first meeting, we achieved consensus on the search strategy (terms and databases), the inclusion/exclusion criteria (population, intervention, comparison, outcomes, review design), data extraction form (data to extract) and analysis plan (avoid double-counting of RCTs, subgroup analyses).
Expert consultation group meeting 2: February 2019
The results of the data screening and extraction and the plan for the data synthesis were presented at this meeting. The ECG agreed the following actions:
Protocol amendment to include both pooled and single trial data in the PMAs
Protocol amendment to include behavioural outcomes as condition-specific outcomes.
The ECG did not reach consensus on how the generalisation framework should be used (see Chapter 6). Beth Fordham, Jeremy Howick and Karla Hemming were to continue work on how this could be conceptualised for sharing with the ECG at the next meeting.
Expert consultation group meeting 3: September 2019
The preliminary results were presented at the third meeting. The ECG were in agreement for the mapping and PMA processes. We agreed to prioritise higher-quality reviews over any-quality reviews. However, again, we did not reach agreement on the generalisation framework. The ECG agreed that there was intervention homogeneity, but could not agree that CBT always effects change through the same mechanisms. It agreed that CBT is implemented via the core principles (see Figure 1), but it felt that it was important to recognise that the mechanisms for change would be different for patients living with different conditions. The ECG suggested that a review of all the mechanistic evidence for CBT’s effectiveness was required in order to assume that there is a common mechanism of action.
The patient and public involvement (PPI) representatives guided our visual representation of the data and reflected that the real-life mechanisms of CBT will ‘feel’ very different for each individual receiving the treatment.
Protocol revisions
We intended to translate non-English-language reviews. However, the resource and time allocations were unprepared for the number and complexity of reviews that were found. On discussion with the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) programme board, we made a change to the protocol and excluded non-English-language reviews at the full-text screening stage.
In the protocol, we selected three general outcomes (HRQoL, depression and anxiety) and suggested collecting condition-specific outcomes, such as psychosis and physical/physiological outcomes. Subsequently, we chose to present the three general outcomes plus the most commonly reported other outcome, which was pain.
We had not envisaged the problem of a review reporting the mental and the physical component subscales of the SF-12 HRQoL tool separately. After consulting the ECG, we selected the physical subscale to be included in the primary analysis, and conducted a sensitivity analysis using the mental subscale data to examine if that affected the PMA estimates and heterogeneity.
Other specific changes included to:
include both single RCT data and pooled meta-analysis data in a PMA
include behavioural outcomes as condition-specific outcomes
prioritise higher-quality reviews over any-quality reviews.
All the above changes were approved by the NIHR HTA programme board.
In response to comments from reviewers of the draft HTA monograph, we have included prediction intervals to our primary panoramic meta-analyses.
Chapter 4 Results: mapping
Process of study selection
The initial search of eight databases in April 2018 retrieved 12,339 references, and the updated search in January 2019 retrieved 916 references. In total, 7738 titles and abstracts were screened after deduplication, from which 2948 reviews were selected for full-text analysis. On full-text analysis, 494 systematic reviews32–523 were selected for final inclusion. Data extraction for the mapping was done for all these reviews, the synthesis of which is presented in this chapter. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flow diagram describing each of these stages is presented in Figure 2.
Excluded studies
We excluded 2454 reviews at the full-text screening stage. Nearly half of these exclusions (1108/2454, 45%) were because the review did not provide a synthesis of CBT trials. Ten per cent (237/2454) of reviews were excluded because they were not available in English. References for the excluded reviews along with their reasons for exclusion are presented in Appendix 6.
Description of the included systematic reviews
We included 494 systematic reviews, which reported 2052 RCTs involving 221,128 participants. 32–523 The included reviews were synthesised in three main formats: summary tables, bubble charts and gap maps.
Summary tables
The summary tables provide comprehensive details of all the 494 included reviews, split into the ICD-11 codes (see Appendix 7, Tables 5–33).
Bubble charts
The 494 systematic reviews identified by the search examine the effectiveness of CBT on HRQoL, depression, anxiety or a condition-specific outcome in conditions represented in 14 out of 20 primary (physical) and 13 out of 20 secondary (mental) ICD-11 codes. This equates to 68% of all ICD-11 categories (27/40). ‘Mood disorders [6A60-80]’ were the most researched condition (92 reviews, 272 RCTs, 42,676 participants). The primary and secondary ICD-11 categories that are represented in the included reviews are listed in the unshaded rows presented in Box 2; those that are not represented (i.e. evidence gaps) are listed in the shaded rows in Box 2. The volume of reviews, trials and participants are represented in two bubble maps in Figure 3: (1) conditions that include < 1000 participants and (2) conditions that include > 1000 participants.
01 Certain infectious or parasitic diseases.
02 Neoplasms.
03 Diseases of the blood.
04 Diseases of the immune system.
05 Endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases.
07 Sleep–wake disorders.
08 Diseases of the nervous system.
09 Diseases of the visual system.
10 Diseases of the ear or mastoid process.
11 Diseases of the circulatory system.
12 Diseases of the respiratory system.
13 Diseases of the digestive system.
14 Diseases of the skin.
15 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
16 Diseases of the genitourinary system.
17 Conditions related to sexual health.
18 Pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
19 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period.
20 Developmental abnormalities.
21 Symptoms and signs NOS (MG30 pain, MG22 fatigue, MG43.6 excessive weight gain).
6A00-06: neurodevelopmental disorders.
6A20-25: schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders.
6A40-41: catatonia.
6A60-80: mood disorders.
6B00-06: anxiety or fear-related disorders.
6B20-25: obsessive–compulsive disorders.
6B40-45: disorders specifically associated with stress.
6B60-66: dissociative disorders.
6B80-85: feeding or eating disorders.
6C00-01: elimination disorders.
6C20-21: disorders of bodily distress.
6C40-51: disorders due to substance use or addictive behaviours.
6C70-73: impulse control disorders.
6C90-91: disruptive behaviour or dissocial disorder.
6D10-11: personality disorders and related traits.
6D30-36: paraphilic disorders.
6D50-51: factitious disorders.
6D70-72: neurocognitive disorders.
6E20-21: mental or behavioural disorders associated with pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
6E40: psychological or behavioural factors NOS (MB23.0 aggressive behaviour).
NOS, not otherwise specified.
Shading indicates the ICD-11 categories that are not represented in the included reviews (i.e. evidence gaps).
Gap maps
We produced a gap map that details the context and population characteristics of all the reviews conducted within each ICD-11 category (see Appendix 8, Tables 34–37). We have summarised the information in the following section.
Context characteristics of the included reviews
In Table 1, we present the number of reviews that included trials conducted in different contexts. One review could include some trials conducted in one context and also include trials conducted in another context. Therefore, that one review could represent two or more context characteristics. Consequently, the percentages presented across the rows will not always add up to 100% (n = 494 reviews). The shaded cells represent how many reviews did not report on this characteristic.
Reviews | Reviews, n (%) | |||||||||||||||||||||
Who: severity | What: intensity | When: delivered | Where: participants recruited | Follow-up | ||||||||||||||||||
Subclinical | Clinical | Chronic | Severe | NR | High | Low | NR | Preventative | Standard | Relapse prevention | NR | Community | GP primary | Outpatients | Inpatients | School/university | Institution | NR | Short term | Long term | NR | |
Reviews included in mapping: N = 494 (2052 RCTs; 221,128 participants) | 16 (3) | 216 (44) | 19 (4) | 10 (2) | 247 (50) | 397 (80) | 139 (28) | 8 (2) | 29 (6) | 463 (94) | 7 (1) | 0 (0) | 92 (19) | 41 (8) | 114 (23) | 35 (7) | 36 (7) | 4 (1) | 283 (57) | 402 (81) | 130 (26) | 7 (1) |
Context characteristics well reported
Nearly all the included reviews (486/494, 98%) reported whether or not they examined high- or low-intensity CBT. The majority were conducted on high-intensity CBT, but low-intensity CBT trials were included in 28% (139/494) of reviews across 14 out of 40 (35%) ICD-11 categories. Nearly all reviews (487/494, 99%) reported when follow-up data were collected. One-third of reviews (130/494, 26%) included a long-term (> 12 months) follow-up time point.
Context characteristics poorly reported
Only half of the reviews (247/494, 50%) reported on the severity of participants’ symptoms. Of these, the majority described participants as having a clinical diagnosis (216/494, 44%), with no further description on the severity of the symptoms (i.e. chronic or severe). Only 3% (16/494) of reviews examined participants with subclinical symptoms.
Over half of the included reviews (283/494, 57%) did not report from which care setting they had recruited their samples. Of the reviews that did report this, the majority recruited their samples from outpatient settings (114/494, 23%).
Context characteristics rarely examined
All the included reviews reported when the intervention was delivered (494/494, 100%); only 7% (36/494) examined the use of CBT in a preventative context.
Population characteristics of the included reviews
In Table 2, we present the number of reviews that included trials with samples representing different characteristics. One review could include some trials conducted with one type of population (e.g. children and adolescents) and other trials conducted with another population (e.g. adults), or one trial that included children, adolescents and adults. Therefore, that one review could represent two (or more) sample characteristics. Consequently, the percentages presented across the rows will not always add up to 100% (n = 494 reviews). The shaded cells represent how many reviews did not report on this characteristic.
Reviews | Reviews, n (%) | ||||||||||||||||
Age (years) | Sex | Ethnicity | Continent where the included RCTs were conducted | ||||||||||||||
< 18 | 18–65 | > 65 | NR | < 50% female sample | > 50% female sample | Mixed | NR | < 25% non-white sample | 25–75% non-white sample | > 75% non-white sample | Mixed | NR | Europe, North America, Australasia | Asia | Africa, South America | NR | |
Reviews included in mapping: N = 494 (2052 RCTs; 221,128 participants) | 108 (22) | 378 (77) | 30 (6) | 19 (4) | 44 (9) | 167 (34) | 65 (13) | 218 (44) | 10 (2) | 6 (1) | 9 (2) | 11 (2) | 458 (93) | 231 (47) | 37 (8) | 8 (2) | 218 (44) |
Population characteristics well reported
Most reviews reported the age of their samples (475/494, 96%); of these, only 6% (30/494 reviews, 81 RCTs and 6629 participants) were conducted with an older adult population.
Population characteristics poorly reported
Most reviews (458/494, 93%) did not report the ethnicity of the samples of their included trials. Of the 36 reviews that did report the ethnicity of their samples, we found an equal number of reviews that reported more white than non-white participants (10/494, 2%) and that reported more non-white than white participants (10/494, 2%).
Nearly half of the reviews (218/494, 44%) did not report on the sex of their trial samples or the country where their included trials were conducted. When reported, a higher number of reviews had a greater representation of female participants (167/494, 34%) in their trial samples, and most reviews included trials conducted in Europe, North America and Australasia (231/494, 47%).
The AMSTAR-2 review quality rating
Every review (n = 494) was assessed twice (by KE and TS) using the AMSTAR-2 checklist. The agreement between reviewers (KE and TS) in assessing the quality of reviews using the AMSTAR-2 checklist was good (327/494, 66%) (κw = 0.63, 95% CI 0.62 to 0.65). Figure 4 presents the proportion of reviews conducted over the preceding 20 years, classified into the four AMSTAR-2 quality categories.
Over the previous 20 years, the quality of systematic reviews has improved; however, in the latest time epoch (2015–19), we still identified that 36% of the included reviews were of critically low quality and only 29% of reviews were classified as being of moderate or high quality.
Table 3 represents the item summaries from the AMSTAR-2 checklist. Of the ‘critical’ items on the checklist, 68% (336/494) of the reviews failed to register the protocol before commencement of the review (item 2), 76% (373/494) failed to provide the list of excluded studies along with the reasons for exclusion of each (item 7) and 50% (248/494) of reviews did not report an adequate search strategy.
AMSTAR-2 items | Response, n (%) | ||
Yes | Partial yes or 0 | No | |
Components of PICO in research questions and inclusion criteria (item 1) | 266 (54) | – | 228 (46) |
Protocol registered before commencement of the review (item 2)a | 153 (31) | 5 (1) | 336 (68) |
Justification for selection of study design for inclusion (item 3) | 80 (16) | – | 414 (84) |
Adequacy of the literature search (item 4)a | 67 (14) | 179 (36) | 248 (50) |
Study selection performed in duplicate (item 5) | 325 (66) | – | 169 (34) |
Data extraction performed in duplicate (item 6) | 322 (65) | – | 172 (35) |
Justification for excluding individual studies (item 7)a | 108 (22) | 13 (3) | 373 (76) |
Included studies reported in adequate detail (item 8) | 106 (21) | 350 (71) | 38 (8) |
Risk of bias from individual studies being included in the review (item 9)a | 291 (59) | 27 (5) | 176 (36) |
Reporting funding sources of included studies (item 10) | 48 (10) | – | 446 (90) |
Appropriateness of meta-analytical methods (item 11)a | 292 (59) | 195 (39) | 7 (1) |
Assessment of potential impact of risk of bias on results of the review (item 12) | 196 (40) | 186 (38) | 112 (23) |
Consideration of risk of bias when interpreting the results of the review (item 13)a | 277 (56) | – | 217 (44) |
Explanation/discussion of heterogeneity observed (item 14) | 299 (61) | – | 195 (39) |
Assessment of presence and likely impact of publication bias (item 15)a | 209 (42) | 70 (14) | 215 (44) |
Reporting conflicts of interest and funding (item 16) | 376 (76) | – | 118 (24) |
Patient perspective and safety data
Of the 494 reviews, 118 (24%) reviews reported data on dropout rates, adherence and satisfaction analyses. Twenty reviews32,53,56,68,78,103,133,153,165,198,219,234,244,251,266,367,376,402,464,469 searched for safety data, of which nine reviews included reports of adverse events occurring in the CBT groups. We have summarised all the patient perspective and safety data under the relevant conditions in Box 3.
Adelman et al. 34 reported that children, adolescents and adults with anxiety disorders are more likely to drop out of CBT than out of WLC groups (OR 1.76, 95% CI 1.27 to 2.44). Participants were more likely to drop out of internet-based CBT than out of face-to-face CBT (OR 1.36, 95% CI 0.79 to 2.33).
Three reviews of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents reported no difference in the risk of participants dropping out between CBT and WLC groups (OR 0.94, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.51),509 TAU groups (OR 1.01, 95% CI 0.31 to 3.3)227 or placebo-pill control groups (RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.95). 487
A review reported that more RCTs of CBT with adult participants than those with older adults report attrition levels below the 15% attrition threshold (67% vs. 40%). 252
Mood disordersThe dropout rates of adults and older adults from CBT groups ranged from 7% to 40%217,420 and were not significantly different between CBT and comparator groups (active or non-active). 59,145,280,501
Anxiety and/or moodDropout rates for CBT ranged from 6% to 50% across children/adolescent and adult populations. 101,459 A review45 found no difference in dropout rates between high- and low-intensity (internet-based CBT) interventions (OR 0.79, 95% CI 0.57 to 1.09).
Obsessive–compulsive disorders (hypochondriasis)A review of adults with hypochondriasis reported no difference between CBT and TAU/pharmacotherapy/placebo comparator in the likelihood for participants to drop out of their trial arm (OR 1.14, 95% CI 0.56 to 2.32). 450
Obsessive–compulsive disorders (body dysmorphic disorder)No difference was detected in the number of children/adolescents and adults who dropped out between CBT and WLC groups (RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.05), and the effects of CBT on depression outcomes were not altered if dropouts were treated as non-responders. 195
Eating disordersA review of adults with bulimia nervosa/binge-eating disorder reported no difference in dropout rates between CBT and active or non-active comparator groups [F(2,55) = 1.66; p = 0.20]. 179 This remained true in adults with binge-eating disorder when CBT was an adjunct to pharmacotherapy [i.e. fluoxetine alone (22%) or fluoxetine plus CBT (23%)]. 378
Stress disordersTwo reviews reported dropout rates of between zero and 30%355,422 from CBT in adult populations with post-traumatic stress disorder, and that these rates did not differ significantly between the CBT and other active comparator groups. 96
Bodily distress disordersThere were no significant differences in dropout rates between CBT and progressive muscle relaxation groups in adults with medically unexplained symptoms (SMD 0.98, 95% CI 0.83 to 1.15; n = 90). 469
AddictionOne review reported, without statistics, that fewer adults with psychostimulant abuse disorder dropped out of CBT groups than out of the TAU groups. 312
NeoplasmsTwo reviews report very similar dropout rates from CBT interventions: 15% and 22%. 65,238
Nervous system disorders (post-viral fatigue)Castell et al. 93 reported that 17% of adults with post-viral fatigue syndrome dropped out of the CBT groups. Participants were more likely to drop out of CBT than out of a no-treatment control (RR 1.71, 95% CI 1.29 to 2.27), but not when compared with other active comparators170 (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.28 to 1.25), including exercise interventions266 (RR 0.59, 95% CI 0.28 to 1.25).
Conditions with symptoms of painThree reviews reported that a range of 0–22% of patients dropped out of CBT interventions for pain patients in both adult and children/adolescent populations. 32,285,375
Disorders of the ear (tinnitus)One review examined adults’ and older adults’ satisfaction with internet-based CBT and found that more participants dropped out of internet-based CBT than out of an online education programme. 213
Adherence MoodAcross the trials of adults with depression, the adherence rates ranged greatly, from 10% to 100%. 165,459 A review of CBT for depression in children and adolescents reported that only 50% completed the full CBT programme. 106 Adherence rates were reported to significantly predict treatment response (β = 0.90; p < 0.001). 240
Anxiety and moodAdherence (defined as between 75% and 100% adherence) rates from RCTs of children/adolescents (86%), adults and older adults (24–90%) across anxiety and depression ranged from 24% to 90%. 327,356,466
Eating disordersIn children and adolescents with bulimia nervosa or EDNOS, the adherence rates were similar between CBT and other psychotherapies (family therapy). 243 However, one review of bulimia nervosa in children, adolescents and adults estimated that 16% (95% CI 13% to 19%) of participants did not complete the CBT intervention. 438
Adherence rates were similar between high-intensity and low-intensity (i.e. internet-based) CBT. 353 However, the acceptability ratings were higher for high-intensity CBT than for internet-based CBT. 367
Conditions with symptoms of painOne review of predominantly male (92%) veterans with comorbid pain, depression and substance abuse reported completion rates of only 38% for CBT interventions. 58
InsomniaA review of internet-based CBT for insomnia reported that 78% of adult participants (range 67–100%) completed their treatment. 97 The review also reported that 71% of participants found internet-based CBT ‘mostly’ or ‘very’ effective.
Satisfaction MoodOne review49 suggests that older adults prefer psychological therapies, such as CBT, over pharmacotherapy because the side effects of pharmacotherapy become more problematic with increased comorbidity in older age. 49
There was no difference between children’s and adolescents’ reported levels of acceptability for CBT, compared with WLC or TAU comparator groups. 510
Anxiety and moodTwo reviews46,324 reported that 62–100% of adults were satisfied with internet-based CBT. One review324 found that participants reported more enjoyment when they were communicating with a therapist in face-to-face CBT.
Eating disordersThe acceptability ratings were higher for high-intensity CBT than for internet-based CBT. 367
Stress disordersOne review reported, in great depth, the acceptability of CBT for children and adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder. 291 It is recognised to be acceptable for children and their caregivers, but there are concerns regarding the trauma exposure component. This is considered central to the effectiveness of CBT, but some evidence suggests that this element is linked to patient dropout rates. CBT is delivered most commonly in a clinic, but this review suggests that home delivery could be more acceptable. It also suggests that CBT delivered in a group setting is more acceptable than individual CBT in ethnically diverse, urban children in the USA. 291
PsychosisCognitive–behavioural therapy was reported to be less acceptable than TAU for schizophrenia patients in one review,66 whereas another review116 found no difference in acceptability. Therapists reported that it was harder to engage younger schizophrenic patients with the CBT intervention. 51
Disorders of the ear (tinnitus)Participants reported that the intervention was not engaging enough, and authors suggested that it might be too much of a commitment for those with low distress levels. 213
Adverse eventsOne or two patients per CBT group reported that their symptoms worsened because of participation in CBT in adults with post-viral fatigue syndrome,56,103,266 bodily distress (medically unexplained symptoms)469 and mixed mental conditions (mood disorder, anxiety and obsessive–compulsive disorders). 53 Adverse events were reported in reviews of other conditions, such as people with substance misuse conditions during withdrawal, schizophrenic patients and eating disorder patients, but there was no evidence to suggest that this was due to participating in CBT. 133,198,219,234
EDNOS, eating disorder not otherwise specified.
Overall, there does not seem to be a great difference in dropout rates between CBT and active or non-active comparator groups. However, it appears that more participants drop out of low-intensity internet-based CBT than out of face-to-face CBT, and patients reported greater satisfaction with the therapeutic relationship in face-to-face CBT. Older adults appeared to drop out more than younger adults, but they also reported preferring psychological therapies, such as CBT, over pharmacological therapies. There may be certain groups who do not find CBT acceptable; for example, one review of mainly male veterans reported very low completion rates. 58 Participants with common mental and physical conditions seemed generally satisfied with CBT, but schizophrenic patients seemed more likely to find CBT an unacceptable treatment option. In relation to adverse events, there is a lack of reporting on safety data from CBT reviews. However, the evidence we found does not suggest that participating in CBT could cause harm to participants.
Chapter 5 Results: panoramic meta-analysis
The map of the CBT review evidence base included 494 reviews. Of these, 171 reviews included data suitable for inclusion in the PMAs. The majority of the reviews reported in the mapping exercise, but excluded from the PMA, were not suitable because we could not extract the CBT RCT-specific data in isolation for any of the four outcomes (n = 279). This could be for any one of the following reasons:
The review may not have performed a meta-analysis or reported any quantitative data from single RCTs.
The review may have looked for RCTs reporting on the outcome but not identified any evidence.
We may have been unable to extract CBT RCT data in isolation, for example a review that presented a subgroup analysis of 10 CBT trials, but one of these trials was not a RCT. We could not isolate the purely CBT RCT evidence; therefore, the data were not included in the PMA. To have included these RCTs, we would have needed to return to the original RCT and perform a new meta-analysis including only the RCT data.
Of the 126 reviews eligible for the end-point PMA, 7132,37,39,46,50,59,63,68,89,102,117,126,134,143,149,165,167–169,175,188,193,197–199,205,206,211,219–221,227,231,234–236,246,249,251,259,261,267,275,286,291,299,315,317,340,343,347,357,369,371,373,397,401,405,409,432,445,446,448,450,454,464,469,480,484,507,518 were higher-quality reviews (i.e. ‘moderate’ or ‘high’ on AMSTAR-2); the primary analyses for each outcome were conducted using these 71 higher-quality reviews. The PRISMA flow diagram describing review selection for the PMAs from the mapping stage is presented in Figure 5.
For reviews reporting data as change scores or dichotomous outcomes (RR, OR), separate PMAs for each outcome were undertaken; these are presented in Appendices 9–12.
Health-related quality of life
We identified 24 higher-quality systematic reviews32,39,63,165,188,193,219,220,231,235,236,275,286,299,317,343,347,371,409,445,446,464,469,518 that met the eligibility criteria to be included in the HRQoL PMA. One review343 included two meta-analyses for different disorders; hence, the number of comparisons is 25. These reviews included 49 RCTs, 4304 participants and represent 12 out of 40 ICD-11 categories (30%), as presented in Box 4. The white rows represent those ICD-11 codes that are represented in the primary analysis, the purple rows represent those conditions that are represented in the sensitivity analyses (see Sensitivity analysis) and the orange rows represent those ICD-11 codes that are not represented.
01 Certain infectious or parasitic diseases.
02 Neoplasms (in lower-quality reviews only).
03 Diseases of the blood.
04 Diseases of the immune system.
05 Endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases.
07 Sleep–wake disorders.
08 Diseases of the nervous system.
09 Diseases of the visual system.
10 Diseases of the ear or mastoid process.
11 Diseases of the circulatory system.
12 Diseases of the respiratory system.
13 Diseases of the digestive system (in lower-quality reviews only).
14 Diseases of the skin.
15 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
16 Diseases of the genitourinary system.
17 Conditions related to sexual health.
18 Pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
19 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period.
20 Developmental abnormalities.
21 Symptoms and signs NOS (MG30 pain, MG22 fatigue).
6A00-06: neurodevelopmental disorders.
6A20-25: schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders.
6A40-41: catatonia.
6A60-80: mood disorders.
6B00-06: anxiety or fear-related disorders.
6B20-25: obsessive–compulsive disorders.
6B40-45: disorders specifically associated with stress.
6B60-66: dissociative disorders.
6B80-85: feeding or eating disorders.
6C00-01: elimination disorders.
6C20-21: disorders of bodily distress.
6C40-51: disorders due to substance use or addictive behaviours.
6C70-73: impulse control disorders.
6C90-91: disruptive behaviour or dissocial disorder.
6D10-11: personality disorders and related traits.
6D30-36: paraphilic disorders.
6D50-51: factitious disorders.
6D70-72: neurocognitive disorders.
6E20-21: mental or behavioural disorders associated with pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
6E40: psychological or behavioural factors NOS (MB23.0 aggressive behaviour).
NOS, not otherwise specified.
White rows represent ICD-11 codes represented in the primary analysis, purple shaded rows represent ICD-11 codes represented in the sensitivity analyses and orange shaded rows represent ICD-11 codes that are not represented in the HRQoL PMA.
The most commonly used measure of HRQoL was the Short Form questionnaire-36 items (SF-36) (n = 6). Other measurements included the Quality of Life Inventory (n = 5), the EuroQol-5 Dimensions (n = 2), the WHO Quality of Life-BREF (n = 1), the Global Assessment of Functioning (n = 1) and the Modular System for Quality of Life-54 (n = 1). The remaining reviews used population-specific (e.g. KIDSCREEN-27; KINDL-R; Comprehensive Quality of Life Scale, Intellectual Disability) or condition-specific [e.g. Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) Impact Module-Adult™, Quality of Life in Alzheimer’s Disease, Diabetes Quality of Life for Youths] quality-of-life measurements.
Some reviews included trials with mixed characteristics, for example one review could include trials with adults and with older adults; in such a case, we would record that there was one review with adult data and one with older adult data. Consequently, the counts do not always add to 24 reviews. The mapping results demonstrate that the majority of these meta-analyses were focused on adults (n = 21), with only three reviews of children/adolescents and one review of older people. A higher number of reviews (12/24) had samples that included more female than male participants than reviews with samples of more male than female participants (6/24). Only three reviews reported the ethnicity of their samples: two reviews had samples with < 25% non-white participants and one included a sample with > 75% non-white participants.
The majority of reviews reported on the management of clinical conditions (16/24), through high-intensity CBT (17/24), delivered in outpatient settings (16/24), and with short-term follow-up (19/24). Seven reviews shared these three contexts but were conducted across different conditions. The majority of the included RCTs were from Europe, North America and Australasia (21/24).
The number of reviews containing only one trial was 6 out of 25; for some conditions, the numbers in each trial were very small (Figure 6). Comparators were active (8/24), mixed (3/24) and non-active (13/24).
Primary analysis
Within-condition heterogeneity (I2) varied between 0% and 56%, and across-condition heterogeneity was 32%; hence, the criteria for PMA were met. The pooled across-condition SMD between control groups and CBT intervention groups gave a modest effect in favour of CBT on outcomes of HRQoL (SMD 0.23, 95% CI 0.14 to 0.33) (see Figure 6). Variation in effects was observed across conditions; for example, in aggression, the estimate mean effect was almost zero, although it was estimated with considerable uncertainty (SMD –0.02, 95% CI –0.28 to 0.32), whereas, in anxiety disorders, the estimated effect was positive and was estimated with much greater certainty (SMD 0.42, 95% CI 0.20 to 0.64). This heterogeneity is reflected in the resulting prediction intervals, which, indicated for the overall effect (within any given condition), were between –0.03 and 0.50, indicating, at worst (and with little support in the prediction interval), a small negative effect of CBT for some conditions and, at best, a large positive effect for other conditions.
No publication bias was detected using funnel plots (Figure 7) and Egger’s test showed that there were no small-study effects (p = 0.18).
Mean difference in health-related quality of life
We identified a standard deviation (10.93 points) of the SF-36 physical composite score from a trial,525 deemed to have a low risk of bias, in a higher-quality review. 464 The SMD translated to an estimated mean difference on the SF-36 of 3 points (95% CI 2 to 4 points).
Subgroup analysis
The only interaction test that was statistically significant was between reviews of CBT compared with active comparators and reviews of CBT compared with non-active comparators. All other subgroup interaction tests were not statistically significant and are, therefore, consistent with the general effect of CBT on HRQoL outcomes.
Cognitive–behavioural therapy intensity
Overall, high- and low-intensity CBT reviews were distributed evenly across the different conditions and characteristics. High- and low-intensity CBT reviews both included populations diagnosed with 6B00-06 anxiety or fear-related disorders, 6A60-80 mood disorders, 6A00-06 neurodevelopmental disorders, 6B20-25 obsessive–compulsive disorders, 21 pain and 6B40-45 disorders specifically associated with stress. They included patients with chronic symptoms (6A60-80 mood disorders and 21 pain). The reviews included children, adolescents and adults, of both sexes, from all care settings in Europe, North America, Australasia and Asia. Reviews of both intensities included long-term follow-up data. Reviews of high-intensity, but not low-intensity, CBT included (1) populations diagnosed with 6C20-21 disorders of bodily distress, 08 diseases of the nervous system or 6A20-25 schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders; (2) older adults; and (3) CBT delivered in a preventative context. Reviews of low-intensity, but not high-intensity, CBT were conducted in populations diagnosed with 6C40-4H addiction and MB23 aggressive behaviour.
There was little difference between effect estimates in reviews of high-intensity and low-intensity CBT, although heterogeneity was substantially higher for low-intensity CBT (SMD 0.23, 95% CI 0.03 to 0.42; I2 = 68%) than for high-intensity CBT (SMD 0.21, 95% CI 0.11 to 0.32; I2 = 0%) (Figure 8). The interaction test between high- and low-intensity CBT reviews was not statistically significant (p = 0.99).
We identified three reviews318,343,521 (four RCTs, 243 participants; two reviews of lower quality and one review of higher quality) that directly compared high- with low-intensity CBT interventions on HRQoL outcomes in 6B00-06 anxiety or fear-related disorders and 6A60-80 mood disorders. One review provided separate data for both 6B01 panic and 6B04 social anxiety disorder populations, and so the PMA included four meta-analyses. In this subset of direct comparisons, there was no difference between high- and low-intensity CBT (SMD 0.15, 95% CI –0.10 to 0.40; I2 = 0%) (Figure 9).
The direct evidence (see Figure 9) comparing high- with low-intensity CBT in 6B00-06: Anxiety and 6A60-80: Mood disorders supports our indirect evidence (see Figure 8) from subgroup analyses of high and low intensity. In summary, we have found no direct or indirect evidence that high- or low-intensity CBT produced different effect sizes.
Type of comparators
The choice of comparator had a significant effect on the treatment estimates. Comparison to an active intervention was associated with a very small effect (SMD 0.09, 95% CI –0.01 to 0.19; I2 = 0%) (Figure 10). The active comparators tested in these reviews were education, exercise, pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy/counselling and relaxation. Comparison with a non-active control was associated with a larger effect estimate (SMD 0.31, 95% CI 0.18 to 0.45; I2 = 40%). The interaction test was statistically significant (p = 0.04).
Duration of follow-up
Effect estimates were higher in reviews reporting short-term follow-up (SMD 0.29, 95% CI 0.17 to 0.42; I2 = 30%) than in reviews reporting long-term follow-up (SMD 0.11, 95% CI 0.02 to 0.20; I2 = 0%) (Figure 11). However, the interaction test did not find a statistically significant difference between the groups (p = 0.06).
Effect estimates were similar in reviews of children and adolescents (SMD 0.20, 95% CI –0.15 to 0.56; I2 = 0%) and adults (SMD 0.23, 95% CI 0.14 to 0.33; I2 = 39%) (Figure 12). However, the sample sizes were much smaller in the reviews of children and adolescents, and the consequent CIs crossed zero. The interaction test did not find a statistically significant difference between the children/adolescents and adult groups (p = 0.06). The effect size for older adults was larger (SMD 0.39, 95% CI –0.24 to 1.02), but was generated from one review, with one trial and only 39 participants, and, again, the 95% CIs crossed zero (see Figure 12).
Sensitivity analysis
The sensitivity analysis was conducted with an additional 10 reviews that had been rated as low or critically low on the AMSTAR-2. Therefore, the sensitivity analysis was conducted with 34 reviews (76 RCTs, 7466 participants). 32,39,63,82,165,188,193,219,220,231,235,236,270,275,276,279,286,299,317,329,343,347,356,371,409,413,445,446,464,467,469,513,518,521 Inclusion of lower-quality reviews increased the estimate of effect (SMD 0.28, 95% CI 0.17 to 0.38) and raised the levels of heterogeneity (I2 = 71%) (see Appendix 9, Figure 15). This analysis included reviews from more physical conditions: 13: Digestive system, 02: Neoplasms, 08: Headaches and epilepsy and 21: Symptoms such as tinnitus and fatigue (see Box 4). All of the additional within-condition group estimates were consistent with the general effect, that is, an absence of inconsistent effects.
We re-ran the PMA replacing the physical component scores with the mental component scores from the SF-12/SF-36 in the two reviews that presented both the physical and the mental component scores. 220,464 The replacement did not change the overall effect or heterogeneity rating for the HRQoL outcome (SMD 0.24, 95% CI 0.14 to 0.33; I2 = 38%) (see Appendix 9, Figure 16).
Health-related quality-of-life change scores and risk ratio data
Four reviews (four RCTs, 185 participants), two of higher and two of lower quality, presented HRQoL data as change scores. 158,246,406,523 These included reviews of 6B00-06 anxiety and 6A60-80 mood disorders, 13 digestive system, 21 pain and 12 respiratory system disorders. The overall pooling reported acceptable heterogeneity and a moderate effect in favour of CBT (SMD 0.58, 95% CI 0.15 to 1.00; I2 = 66%) (see Appendix 9, Figure 17).
One lower-quality review (two RCTs, 145 participants) presented HRQoL data as a RR. 170 This review identified a large effect (SMD 1.57, 95% CI 0.78 to 2.37; I2, not applicable) in favour of CBT (see Appendix 9, Figure 18).
From the highest-quality reviews, we found that CBT produced consistent, positive effects on HRQoL across 10 different conditions. Effect estimates suggest a modest, long-term improvement, compared with no intervention. These effects became very small when CBT is compared with other active treatments, including education, exercise, pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy/counselling and relaxation. We did not find a difference between the effect sizes of reviews conducted with low-intensity CBT or high-intensity CBT.
The effect estimates were generated by synthesising data from samples of children, adolescents and adults, of both sexes, mainly living in countries in Europe, North America and Australasia. There is a lack of higher-quality evidence of CBT’s effectiveness for older adults.
We do not know if CBT will be effective when delivered preventatively or when delivered to patients with severe or subclinical symptoms. We do not know if CBT is equally effective across different ethnic groups nor do we know its effect for people living in countries in Africa, Asia or South America.
We identified 48 higher-quality systematic reviews37,39,46,50,59,63,117,126,143,167–169,175,197–199,205,206,220,221,231,234,235,246,249,261,267,275,286,299,340,357,369,371,373,401,405,409,432,445,446,448,450,454,469,480,484,507 that met the eligibility criteria to be included in the primary depression PMA. One review included six meta-analyses for different disorders; hence, the number of comparisons is 53. These included 130 RCTs and 14,073 participants, and represent 16 out of 40 possible ICD-11 categories (40%). Box 5 includes the ICD-11 codes represented in the primary PMA (white cells) and those codes not represented (shaded cells).
01 Certain infectious or parasitic diseases.
02 Neoplasms.
03 Diseases of the blood.
04 Diseases of the immune system.
05 Endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases.
07 Sleep–wake disorders.
08 Diseases of the nervous system.
09 Diseases of the visual system.
10 Diseases of the ear or mastoid process.
11 Diseases of the circulatory system.
12 Diseases of the respiratory system.
13 Diseases of the digestive system.
14 Diseases of the skin.
15 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
16 Diseases of the genitourinary system.
17 Conditions related to sexual health.
18 Pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
19 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period.
20 Developmental abnormalities.
21 Symptoms and signs NOS (MG30 pain, MG22 fatigue).
6A00-06: neurodevelopmental disorders.
6A20-25: schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders.
6A40-41: catatonia.
6A60-80: mood disorders.
6B00-06: anxiety or fear-related disorders.
6B20-25: obsessive–compulsive disorders.
6B40-45: disorders specifically associated with stress.
6B60-66: dissociative disorders.
6B80-85: feeding or eating disorders.
6C00-01: elimination disorders.
6C20-21: disorders of bodily distress.
6C40-51: disorders due to substance use or addictive behaviours.
6C70-73: impulse control disorders.
6C90-91: disruptive behaviour or dissocial disorder.
6D10-11: personality disorders and related traits.
6D30-36: paraphilic disorders.
6D50-51: factitious disorders.
6D70-72: neurocognitive disorders.
6E20-21: mental or behavioural disorders associated with pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
6E40: psychological or behavioural factors NOS (MB23.0 aggressive behaviour, QE01 caregiver stress).
NOS, not otherwise specified.
White rows represent ICD-11 codes represented in the primary analysis; purple shaded rows represent ICD-11 codes that are not represented in the depression PMA.
The most commonly used measure of depression was the Beck Depression Inventory (n = 22). Other measurements included the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (n = 7), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (n = 4), the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 items (n = 2), the Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (n = 2), the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (n = 2), the Profile of Mood States (n = 1), the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (n = 1) and the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist (n = 1). The remaining reviews used population-specific depression measures [Glasgow Depression Scale for People with a Learning Disability (n = 1), Children’s Depression Inventory-revised (n = 3)].
The majority of these meta-analyses were focused on adults (37/48), with seven reviews focusing on adolescents/children and one review focusing on older people. More reviews had samples that included more female than male participants (23/48) than samples with more male than female participants (9/48). Only seven reviews reported the ethnicity of their samples. Of these, four reviews had samples with < 25% non-white participants and one included a sample with > 75% non-white participants.
The majority of reviews reported on the management of clinical conditions (26/48), on interventions of high intensity (26/48), delivered in outpatient settings (27/48), and with short-term follow-up (39/48). The majority of included RCTs in the reviews were from Europe, North America and Australasia (33/48). Many of the reviews contained only one trial (54%, 26/48), and, for some conditions, such as personality disorders, the numbers in those trials were very small (see Appendix 10, Figure 19).
Primary analysis
Within-condition heterogeneity (I2) varied between 0% (6D10-11: Personality disorders) and 86.3% (6A60-80: Mood disorders), and across-condition heterogeneity was 81%. The across-condition heterogeneity was too high for us to pool across the ICD-11 category groups (see Appendix 10, Figure 19). Ten of the within-condition groups reported effects in favour of CBT with some certainty. However, aggression, eating disorders, mixed mental conditions, nervous system disorders and stress-related disorders report within-condition effects of close to zero.
The heterogeneity was too high to pool across ICD-11 categories in any of the subgroup or sensitivity analyses. There was no evidence of publication bias or of small-study effects (Egger’s test p = 0.87) (see Appendix 10, Figure 20).
Depression was the most commonly reported outcome in the review evidence base. The variation between the effect estimates generated for the within-condition subgroups was too wide-ranging to pool across the ICD-11 condition groups. No further subgroup or sensitivity analyses were conducted to compare with the primary analysis.
We identified 34 higher-quality systematic reviews37,39,89,134,143,168,175,205,227,234–236,246,249,251,259,275,286,291,315,340,343,347,371,373,397,409,432,445,446,450,464,469,480 that met the eligibility criteria. Two reviews included meta-analyses for different disorders; hence, the number of comparisons is 36. These included 59 RCTs and 4673 participants, and represent 13 out of 40 possible ICD-11 categories (33%). Box 6 includes the ICD-11 codes represented in the primary PMA (white rows), those conditions represented in the sensitivity analysis only, namely lower-quality reviews (purple rows) and those codes not represented (orange rows).
01 Certain infectious or parasitic diseases.
02 Neoplasms.
03 Diseases of the blood.
04 Diseases of the immune system.
05 Endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases.
07 Sleep–wake disorders.
08 Diseases of the nervous system.
09 Diseases of the visual system.
10 Diseases of the ear or mastoid process.
11 Diseases of the circulatory system.
12 Diseases of the respiratory system.
13 Diseases of the digestive system.
14 Diseases of the skin.
15 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
16 Diseases of the genitourinary system.
17 Conditions related to sexual health.
18 Pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
19 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period.
20 Developmental abnormalities.
21 Symptoms and signs NOS (MG30 pain, MG22 fatigue).
6A00-06: neurodevelopmental disorders.
6A20-25: schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders.
6A40-41: catatonia.
6A60-80: mood disorders.
6B00-06: anxiety or fear-related disorders.
6B20-25: obsessive–compulsive disorders.
6B40-45: disorders specifically associated with stress.
6B60-66: dissociative disorders.
6B80-85: feeding or eating disorders.
6C00-01: elimination disorders.
6C20-21: disorders of bodily distress.
6C40-51: disorders due to substance use or addictive behaviours.
6C70-73: impulse control disorders.
6C90-91: disruptive behaviour or dissocial disorder.
6D10-11: personality disorders and related traits.
6D30-36: paraphilic disorders.
6D50-51: factitious disorders.
6D70-72: neurocognitive disorders.
6E20-21: mental or behavioural disorders associated with pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
6E40: psychological or behavioural factors NOS (MB23.0 aggressive behaviour).
NOS, not otherwise specified.
White rows represent ICD-11 codes represented in the primary analysis, purple rows represent ICD-11 codes represented in the sensitivity analyses and orange rows represent ICD-11 codes that are not represented in the anxiety PMA.
The most commonly used measure of anxiety was the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) (n = 9). Other measurements included the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (n = 6), the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (n = 6), the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (n = 1), the Hopkins Symptom Checklist (n = 1) and the Profile of Mood States (n = 1). The remaining reviews used population-specific [Glasgow Anxiety Scale for People with an Intellectual Disability, Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (n = 4)] or condition-specific [Generalised Anxiety Disorder-7 (n = 3), Dental Anxiety Scale, Cardiac Anxiety Questionnaire] measurements.
The majority of these meta-analyses focused on adults (23/34), with seven reviews of adolescents/children and two reviews of older people. More reviews had samples that included more female than male participants (14/34) than samples with more male than female participants (9/34). Only five reviews reported the ethnicity of their samples. Of these, four reviews had samples with > 75% white participants and none included a sample with < 25% white participants.
The majority of reviews reported on the management of clinical conditions (20/34), on interventions of high intensity (29/34), delivered in outpatient settings (22/34), and with a short-term follow-up (27/34). The majority of included RCTs were from Europe, North America and Australasia (22/34). Out of 34 reviews, 24 contained only one trial, and, in some cases, the numbers in each trial were very low (Figure 13 presents the data).
These analyses also included reviews with trials conducted in less common contexts and populations, for example patients with subclinical mood (6A60-80) conditions (n = 1), and CBT delivered in preventative contexts to mood disorder (6A60-80), psychosis (6A20-25) (n = 2) and inpatient psychosis patients (n = 2), and to older adults living with stress disorders (6B40-45), obsessive disorders (6B20-25), anxiety (6B00-06) and mood (6A60-80) disorders (n = 2). None of these specific reviews produced effect estimates that were inconsistent with the primary anxiety PMA.
Primary analysis
Within-condition heterogeneity varied between 0% (MG30 pain) and 75% (6B40-45 stress-related disorders) and across-condition heterogeneity was 62%. The pooled across-condition SMD gave a modest effect in favour of CBT on outcomes of anxiety (SMD 0.30, 95% CI 0.18 to 0.43) (see Figure 13). The prediction intervals for the overall effect were –0.28 to 0.88. No inconsistent effects were identified across the conditions.
Once again, variation in effects was observed across conditions. This heterogeneity is reflected in the resulting prediction interval, which, indicated for the overall effect (within any given condition), was between –0.28 to 0.88, indicating a possible small negative effect of CBT for some conditions and, at best, a large positive effect for other conditions.
There was no evidence of publication bias or of small-study effects (Egger’s test p = 0.70) (see Appendix 11, Figure 21).
Mean difference in anxiety
We transformed the across-condition SMD into a mean difference of the most commonly reported anxiety outcome, the BAI. 526 We identified a standard deviation (13.46 points) of the BAI from a low risk-of-bias trial525 in a higher-quality review. 464 The SMD translated to an estimated mean difference on the BAI of 4 points (95% CI 2 to 6 points).
Subgroup analysis
None of the interaction tests between the subgroups was significant and the evidence is consistent with the primary anxiety PMA.
Cognitive–behavioural therapy intensity
Reviews of low- and high-intensity CBT examined similar populations and conditions. The ICD-11 categories that were represented by high-intensity CBT only, and not low-intensity CBT, were 6A20-25 schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders, 6D10-11 personality disorders and related traits, 6A00-06 neurodevelopmental disorders and 12 diseases of the respiratory system. The populations who were sampled in reviews of high-intensity CBT but not in reviews of low-intensity CBT were older adults (06B40-45 disorders specifically associated with stress, 6B20-25 obsessive–compulsive disorders, 6B00-06 anxiety or fear-related disorders and 6A60-80 mood disorders) and subclinical populations (6A60-80 mood disorders). High-intensity, but not low-intensity, CBT reviews included trials delivered in preventative contexts (6A20-25 schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders and 6A60-80 mood disorders) and to inpatient samples (6A20-25 schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders).
The heterogeneity was too high to pool across the low-intensity CBT reviews (I2 = 78%). The low-intensity CBT reviews included trials examining CBT delivered via paraprofessionals (n = 3) or via the internet (n = 4). The heterogeneity was much lower in high-intensity CBT reviews (SMD 0.28, 95% CI 0.15 to 0.42; I2 = 54%). The interaction test between high- and low-intensity CBT reviews was not statistically significant (p = 0.62) (see Appendix 11, Figure 22).
We identified five reviews87,306,343,360,521 (11 RCTs, 503 participants) that directly compared high- with low-intensity CBT interventions on anxiety outcomes in 6B00-06: Anxiety, 6A60-80: Mood and pain [including tinnitus 21 Symptoms and signs not otherwise specified (MG30 pain)] conditions. In this subset of direct comparisons, there was no difference between high- and low-intensity CBT (SMD 0.03, 95% CI –0.14 to 0.21; I2 = 20%) (see Appendix 11, Figure 23). This direct evidence comparing high- with low-intensity CBT in anxiety and mood and pain conditions supports our indirect evidence (see Appendix 11, Figure 22) from the high- and low-intensity CBT subgroup analyses. We have found no direct or indirect evidence that high- or low-intensity CBT produce different effect sizes.
Type of comparators
The effect was larger and significant when CBT was compared with non-active comparators (SMD 0.37, 95% CI 0.19 to 0.55; I2 = 64%) and smaller and non-significant when compared with active comparators (SMD 0.19, 95% CI 0.00 to 0.37; I2 = 49%) (see Appendix 11, Figure 24). However, the interaction test between the two groups was not significant (p = 0.24).
Duration of follow-up
Effect estimates were higher in reviews reporting long-term follow-up (SMD 0.38, 95% CI 0.15 to 0.60; I2 = 66%) than in those reporting short-term follow-up (SMD 0.27, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.43; I2 = 59%) (see Appendix 11, Figure 25). However, the interaction test did not find a statistically significant difference between the groups (p = 0.48).
Effect estimates were similar in reviews of children and adolescents (SMD 0.37, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.62; I2 = 67.1%) and adults (SMD 0.32, 95% CI 0.15 to 0.48; I2 = 63.6%). The estimates in the two reviews of older adults were much lower and the 95% CIs crossed zero (SMD 0.06, 95% CI –0.30 to 0.43; I2 = 0%) (see Appendix 11, Figure 26). The interaction test did not find a statistically significant difference between the three groups (p = 0.69).
Sensitivity analyses
We identified 56 reviews (117 RCTs, 11,409 participants)34,37,39,89,134,143,168,171,175,205,215,216,227,234–236,241,246,249,251,259,266,275,277,286,291,294,306,315,329,340,343,347,356,371,373,377,379,397,398,409,410,413,425,429,432,445,446,450,463,464,466,469,480,497,513 of any quality with data suitable for inclusion in the sensitivity anxiety PMA. Five reviews had separate valid data representing different conditions; therefore, the total number of comparisons in the all-quality anxiety PMA is 64. Inclusion of lower-quality reviews increased the heterogeneity across conditions (I2 = 76%) beyond our threshold for pooling across the conditions (see Appendix 11, Figure 27). All of the ICD-11 category within-condition effects were consistent with the primary analysis for anxiety outcomes.
Anxiety change scores/dichotomous outcomes
Four lower-quality reviews (four RCTs, 255 participants) reported anxiety outcome data as change scores. 56,105,336,457 These included reviews of 6B00-06 anxiety, 6A60-80 mood disorders and 08 diseases of the nervous system. The heterogeneity was too high (I2 = 88.1%) to pool across the reviews (see Appendix 11, Figure 28). One lower-quality review433 reported an OR (one RCT, 112 participants) and found a large effect in favour of CBT (SMD 1.01, 95% CI 0.96 to 1.06; I2, not applicable) (see Appendix 11, Figure 29). One lower-quality review332 (one RCT, 27 participants) reported a risk difference and presented a moderate effect in favour of CBT (SMD 0.36, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.71; I2, not applicable) (see Appendix 11, Figure 29). There were no data that were inconsistent with the primary analysis for anxiety outcomes from any of the change score or dichotomous data.
The primary PMA reported that CBT produces a small, but meaningful, long-term improvement in anxiety symptoms. Results from the primary, subgroup, sensitivity subgroups, change scores and dichotomous data PMAs are all consistent with the primary PMA. Some individual reviews were conducted in less frequently researched contexts (e.g. trials conducted in Africa), under-represented populations (e.g. older adults) and less frequently researched delivery formats (e.g. preventative CBT). Every review generated effect estimates that were consistent with the overall general effect.
Cognitive–behavioural therapy was effective when it was delivered via high-intensity methods, but there was too much variation to conclude whether or not CBT was effective when it was delivered via low-intensity methods. However, there were no statistically significant differences between any of the subgroup tests.
The effect estimates were generated by synthesising data from samples of children, adolescents and adults, of both sexes, mainly living in countries in Europe, North America and Australasia. There is a lack of higher-quality evidence of CBT’s effectiveness for older adults.
We do not know if CBT will be effective when delivered preventatively or when delivered to patients with severe or subclinical symptoms. We do not know if CBT is effective across different ethnic groups nor do we know its effect for people living in countries in Africa, Asia or South America.
We identified 10 higher-quality systematic reviews32,68,102,134,149,188,211,251,317,446 that met the eligibility criteria. These included 22 RCTs (2581 participants) and represent 5 out of 40 possible ICD-11 categories (13%). Box 7 presents the ICD-11 codes represented in the primary PMA (white rows), those codes represented in the sensitivity analysis (i.e. lower-quality reviews) (purple rows) and those codes not represented (orange rows).
01 Certain infectious or parasitic diseases.
02 Neoplasms.
03 Diseases of the blood.
04 Diseases of the immune system.
05 Endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases.
07 Sleep–wake disorders.
08 Diseases of the nervous system (only lower-quality reviews).
09 Diseases of the visual system.
10 Diseases of the ear or mastoid process.
11 Diseases of the circulatory system.
12 Diseases of the respiratory system.
13 Diseases of the digestive system [DA01.11 oral mucositis (related to cancer treatments)].
14 Diseases of the skin.
15 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (FA00–05 osteoarthritis).
16 Diseases of the genitourinary system.
17 Conditions related to sexual health.
18 Pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
19 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period.
20 Developmental abnormalities.
21 Symptoms and signs NOS (MG30 pain).
6A00-06: neurodevelopmental disorders.
6A20-25: schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders.
6A40-41: catatonia.
6A60-80: mood disorders.
6B00-06: anxiety or fear-related disorders.
6B20-25: obsessive–compulsive disorders.
6B40-45: disorders specifically associated with stress.
6B60-66: dissociative disorders.
6B80-85: feeding or eating disorders.
6C00-01: elimination disorders.
6C20-21: disorders of bodily distress.
6C40-51: disorders due to substance use or addictive behaviours.
6C70-73: impulse control disorders.
6C90-91: disruptive behaviour or dissocial disorder.
6D10-11: personality disorders and related traits.
6D30-36: paraphilic disorders.
6D50-51: factitious disorders.
6D70-72: neurocognitive disorders.
6E20-21: mental or behavioural disorders associated with pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
6E40: psychological or behavioural factors NOS.
White rows represent ICD-11 codes represented in the primary analysis, purple shaded rows represent ICD-11 codes represented in the sensitivity analyses and orange shaded rows represent ICD-11 codes that are not represented in the pain PMA.
The most commonly used measure of pain was the 100-mm visual analogue scale (VAS) (n = 6). Other measurements included the numerical rating scale of pain intensity (n = 3), the Wong–Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale (n = 2), the modified von Korff scale (n = 1), the Chronic Pain Grade questionnaire (n = 1) and the McGill Pain Questionnaire (n = 1).
The majority of these meta-analyses were focused on adults (6/10),102,134,149,188,211,317 three reviews focused on adolescents/children32,68,446 and one review did not report the age of the samples. 251 All of the reviews included samples that were equally balanced between male and female participants. Only one review63 reported the ethnicity of its samples (> 75% white participants).
Two reviews specified examining CBT in patients with chronic symptoms of pain, anxiety and mood conditions. Half of the reviews examined high-intensity and half of the reviews examined low-intensity CBT. One review examined using CBT to prevent pain developing post orthodontic treatments, but all the others were using CBT in response to diagnosed problems. Two reviews observed the use of CBT for inpatients with pain conditions, whereas the remaining reviews examined CBT in outpatient/community settings. Three reviews included long-term follow-ups (abdominal pain, back pain, anxiety and mood disorders). Four reviews included only one trial, and five reviews included < 100 participants (Figure 14).
Primary analysis
The across-condition heterogeneity was 64% and the pooled across-condition SMD gave a modest effect in favour of CBT on outcomes of pain (SMD 0.23, 95% CI 0.05 to 0.41) (see Figure 14). The prediction intervals for the overall effect were –0.28 to 0.74.
There was no evidence of publication bias, nor of small-study effects (Eggers test p = 0.19) (see Appendix 12, Figure 30).
Mean difference in pain
We transformed the across-condition SMD into a mean difference of the most commonly reported pain outcome, the 100-mm VAS. We identified a standard deviation (27 mm) of the VAS from a trial527 with a low risk of bias in a higher-quality review. 32 The SMD translated to an estimated mean difference on the VAS of 6 mm (95% CI 1 to 11 mm).
Subgroup analysis
There were no statistically significant interaction effects between any subgroups; therefore, the evidence is consistent with the primary analysis.
Cognitive–behavioural intensity
High- and low-intensity CBT was examined in both children/adolescent and adult populations. The only review149 of preventative CBT delivered low-intensity treatment. There were no other differences in the populations or contexts tested with high- and low-intensity CBT.
The heterogeneity was too high to pool separately across the low-intensity CBT reviews (I2 = 84%). The low-intensity CBT reviews included trials examining CBT delivered by paraprofessionals (n = 4), through self-help tools (n = 6). The heterogeneity was much lower in high-intensity CBT reviews (SMD 0.19, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.37; I2 = 18%) (see Appendix 12, Figure 31). The interaction test between high- and low-intensity reviews was not statistically significant (p = 0.87).
No reviews directly compared the effectiveness of low-intensity compared with high-intensity CBT on pain outcomes. Therefore, no direct evidence is available to compare with our indirect evidence.
Type of comparators
The effect was larger when CBT was compared with non-active comparators (SMD 0.59, 95% CI 0.07 to 1.11; I2 = 69%) and was very small when compared with active comparators (SMD 0.14, 95% CI –0.11 to 0.38; I2 = 73%) (see Appendix 12, Figure 32). However, the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant when tested with the interaction test (p = 0.86).
Duration of follow-up
Effect estimates were higher in reviews reporting short-term follow-up (0.32, 95% CI 0.04 to 0.59; I2 = 70.5%) than in reviews reporting long-term follow-up (0.19, 95% CI 0.08 to 0.31; I2 = 0%) (see Appendix 12, Figure 33). However, the interaction test did not find a statistically significant difference between the groups (p = 0.62).
The effect estimates extracted from reviews conducted in children and adolescent populations were too varied (I2 = 87%) to justify pooling across them. Conversely, there was 0% heterogeneity between the reviews in adult populations and the pooled effect was modest (SMD 0.21, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.31; I2 = 0%) (see Appendix 12, Figure 34). The interaction test between (1) children and adolescents and (2) adults did not find a significant difference between these groups (p = 0.68).
Sensitivity analysis
We identified 16 reviews (19 comparisons, 39 RCTs, 4592 participants)32,68,102,134,149,188,211,222,251,266,306,317,348,413,446,473 of any quality with data suitable for inclusion in the sensitivity pain PMA. This introduced 08: Nervous system disorders into the analysis. In the sensitivity analysis, all of the ICD-11 within-condition groups were consistent with the primary analysis for pain outcomes. Inclusion of lower-quality reviews marginally reduced the estimate of effect and heterogeneity (SMD 0.21, 95% CI 0.11 to 0.31; I2 = 51%), compared with the primary PMA (see Appendix 12, Figure 35).
Pain change scores/dichotomous data
The reviews that reported dichotomous data were consistent with the primary analysis. One lower-quality review, Palermo et al. ,354 presented pain outcome data as ORs. This review demonstrated a non-significant effect for CBT (SMD 7.99, 95% CI –2.72 to 18.70) (see Appendix 12, Figure 36). One lower-quality review, Bernardy et al. ,64 reported pain outcome data as risk differences and showed a non-significant effect for CBT (SMD 0.08, 95% CI –0.03 to 0.19) (see Appendix 12, Figure 36).
From a smaller data set of the highest-quality reviews, we found that CBT produced consistent improvements in pain outcomes across six different conditions. Effect estimates suggest a modest long-term improvement in comparison with any other comparator intervention. We did not find a difference in the effect sizes between reviews conducted with low-intensity CBT and those conducted with high-intensity CBT.
The effect estimates were generated by synthesising data from samples of children, adolescents and adults, of both sexes, mainly living in countries in Europe, North America and Australasia. To our knowledge, there is no higher-quality evidence of CBT’s effectiveness for older adults.
The included reviews presented evidence to suggest that CBT can improve pain outcomes when CBT is delivered preventatively to patients with chronic or subclinical symptoms, but there is no evidence regarding severe symptoms. We do not know if CBT is equally effective across different ethnic groups, nor do we know its effect for people living in countries in Africa, Asia or South America.
Chapter 6 Generalisation
One of the aims of the project was to consider the extent to which the existing evidence base could be used to guide treatment, commissioning and research investment decisions.
This necessitated a layer of questions:
In the existing evidence base of systematic reviews, is there evidence of a general effect of CBT across different conditions (categorised by the ICD-11)?
Yes. Our PMA analyses (see Chapter 5) concluded that CBT does produce a general effect across conditions. We were able to meet the criteria of statistical, intervention and design homogeneity for our primary outcome of HRQoL, and two out of three secondary outcomes (anxiety and pain). We can feel confident in generalising the effect across these condition categories.
Can we assume that this effect is robust across all the specific conditions represented in each ICD-11 code?
In our methodology, we classified physical conditions at the primary ICD-11 code level and mental conditions at the secondary level. In each category, there are many subconditions. For some ICD-11 categories, such as musculoskeletal diseases (15), we have reviews representing three (arthropathies, spine conditions and osteopathies) of the five subcategories, whereas for others, such as respiratory disorders (12), we have reviews representing only one subcategory [lower respiratory tract diseases: asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)] out of six. We suggest that, as we found no evidence of inconsistent evidence, the effect of CBT will remain consistent across all conditions subsumed beneath each ICD-11 category. The consistency of effect mirrors and reassures the CBT field’s move towards transdiagnostic approaches. For example, literature suggests that a transdiagnostic manual is equally effective as condition-specific manuals for treating patients with all types of eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating and eating disorders not otherwise specified). 528 The benefit of using a transdiagnostic approach is that it is suitable for people with multiple conditions. Our PPI representatives suggested that this was a very important point, particularly because, with an ageing population, more and more people will live with multiple comorbidities.
Can we assume that this general effect is robust across conditions (ICD-11) that are represented by lower-quality reviews only?
Yes. We performed sensitivity analyses and found that the inclusion of lower-quality reviews increased the heterogeneity of review effect estimates, but did not alter the SMD. We can feel confident in generalising the effect across higher- and lower-quality systematic review evidence.
Can we assume that our general effect is robust across the populations and contexts?
Yes. We found no evidence of inconsistency in effect. We mapped the population and context details of the included reviews. We found no reviews, condition analyses or subgroup analyses that reported a statistically significant effect in favour of the comparator over CBT. Table 4 details the population, context and conditions of the reviews included in the primary HRQoL analyses. We identified each review from those populations or contexts that were under-represented and presented the individual review effect estimate. None of the individual or pooled meta-analyses produced an estimate that was inconsistent with the general effect of CBT on HRQoL.
Generalisation parameter | Details from the included reviews |
Condition | |
Severity of symptoms | Most reviews examined the effect of CBT in patients who received a clinical diagnosis. Three reviews examined the effectiveness of CBT specifically for patients with chronic symptoms and found consistent effects: |
Population | |
Age | Reviews were conducted with children and adolescents (3/24) living with anxiety and/or mood445,446 and pain32 conditions and older adults with mood disorders (1/24)347 and adults (20/24) in nine different conditions (including anxiety, mood and pain conditions). The age subgroup analysis (see Chapter 5) did not identify a difference between children/adolescents and adults. The older adult review produced a consistent, but uncertain, effect (0.39, 95% CI –0.24 to 1.02)347 |
Sex | The majority of the reviews were conducted with samples that were equally represented by male and female participants (21/24 reviews). One review of patients with neck pain had a female participant sample of > 75% and reported a consistent but uncertain effect (0.28, 95% CI –0.11 to 0.68).63 Two reviews reported samples with > 75% male participants. The review conducted in anxiety reported an uncertain but consistent effect (0.21, 95% CI –0.04 to 0.47).464 The effect was the same for the review conducted in bodily distress (0.36, 95% CI –0.11 to 0.82)469 |
Ethnicity | Very few reviews reported the ethnicity of their samples. Of the five reviews that did, four included > 75% white participants. These all produced consistent evidence:
Context | |
Country | Five reviews included trials that were conducted in Asia. These were conducted in:All other trials included in the reviews were conducted in Europe, North America and Australasia |
Health-care setting | Only five reviews recruited participants from inpatient settings. These were conducted in:All other review samples were recruited from community, primary and outpatient settings |
Health-care timing | One review implemented CBT as a preventative intervention for patients with schizophrenia (0.09, 95% CI –0.21 to 0.39).219 The other reviews examined CBT delivered as a standard treatment |
Can we infer that this treatment effect might be observed across conditions that are not included in the current systematic review evidence base?
Our systematic approach meant that we classified reviews by the primary condition that the CBT was aiming to treat. For example, if a review examined the use of CBT to reduce symptoms of depression [i.e. a mood disorder (6A60-80)] in patients with COPD (12: respiratory disorder), then the review was classified as a review of the effectiveness of CBT for 6A60-80: Mood disorders with comorbid 12: Respiratory disorder (COPD). However, if CBT improves HRQoL in patients with mood disorders and comorbid COPD, then CBT is also improving quality of life for COPD patients. As quality of reviews did not affect the general effect, we generated a list of conditions for which CBT is effective from those reviews included in the sensitivity analyses. The following comorbid conditions are represented in the HRQoL, anxiety and pain outcome sensitivity analyses, but not represented in the primary list of conditions: intellectual disabilities (6A00-4), brain injury (6D70-2), dementia (6D70-2), migraines (08), epilepsy (08), circulatory diseases (11), COPD (12), irritable bowel syndrome (13), arthritis (15), tinnitus (21) and fatigue (21). Therefore, we conclude that CBT’s effect is consistent across 22 out of 40 ICD-11 codes (55%), as presented in Box 8.
01 Certain infectious or parasitic diseases (1C60-62: HIV).
02 Neoplasms.
03 Diseases of the blood.
04 Diseases of the immune system.
05 Endocrine, nutritional or metabolic diseases.
07 Sleep–wake disorders.
08 Diseases of the nervous system.
09 Diseases of the visual system.
10 Diseases of the ear or mastoid process.
11 Diseases of the circulatory system.
12 Diseases of the respiratory system.
13 Diseases of the digestive system.
14 Diseases of the skin.
15 Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
16 Diseases of the genitourinary system (GA33 pregnancy loss).
17 Conditions related to sexual health.
18 Pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
19 Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period.
20 Developmental abnormalities.
21 Symptoms and signs NOS (MG30 pain, MG22 fatigue, MC41 tinnitus).
6A00-06: neurodevelopmental disorders (6A02 autism, 6A00 intellectual disability and 6A05 ADHD).
6A20-25: schizophrenia or other primary psychotic disorders.
6A40-41: catatonia.
6A60-80: mood disorders.
6B00-06: anxiety or fear-related disorders.
6B20-25: obsessive–compulsive disorders.
6B40-45: disorders specifically associated with stress.
6B60-66: dissociative disorders.
6B80-85: feeding or eating disorders.
6C00-01: elimination disorders.
6C20-21: disorders of bodily distress.
6C40-51: disorders due to substance use or addictive behaviours.
6C70-73: impulse control disorders.
6C90-91: disruptive behaviour or dissocial disorder.
6D10-11: personality disorders and related traits.
6D30-36: paraphilic disorders.
6D50-51: factitious disorders.
6D70-72: neurocognitive disorders (6D80-86: dementia).
6E20-21: mental or behavioural disorders associated with pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium.
6E40: psychological or behavioural factors NOS (MB23.0 aggressive behaviour).
HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; NOS, not otherwise specified.
Purple shaded rows indicate the ICD-11 categories that are not represented in any of the PMAs.
To generalise beyond the conditions and comorbidities represented in this overview is a challenging area for CBT, in which there are a diverse range of strongly held perspectives. We specified a priori that we would use a model of generalisation529,530 to guide our thinking, which necessitated that the evidence met three assumptions:
Statistical homogeneity in the systematic reviews being used to generate the estimate of effect. This was fulfilled.
Clinical homogeneity populations and contexts represented in the overview represent the contexts to which the generalisation is being made.
Shared mechanisms of action, which is the assumption that CBT effects change by changing the same or similar mediating variables across all conditions.
This would mean that, to assume an effect of CBT on HRQoL in a condition that has no systematic review evidence, there should be evidence of a general effect on HRQoL among similar patients, contexts and settings (i.e. there is no reason to believe that the treatment should work differently or be harmful). For the final assumption of shared mechanisms to be met, the highest level of evidence we would seek is that that from multiple mediation analyses.
As described, the ECG met on several occasions. We collectively agreed on the criteria for statistical homogeneity and the importance of consistency of effects, and that these were met in the PMA. For clinical homogeneity, we agreed the data extraction variables and framework, and were able to demonstrate where there is adequate evidence on context and where there is not adequate evidence (see Table 4). We demonstrated consistent effects for children, adolescents and adults, of both sexes, with clinical diagnoses, living in Europe, North America and Australasia, being treated in community, primary and secondary care settings with CBT being delivered in response to a diagnosis. However, there was less certainty for older adults, with subclinical, chronic or severe symptoms, living in Asia, Africa or South America, being treated in an inpatient setting or receiving CBT preventatively.
We did not search specifically for systematic reviews of mediation studies. At a basic level, the ECG and investigators were able to agree that the principles of CBT are the same regardless of the condition, namely that we intervene to modify thoughts and feelings, to influence behaviours and, ultimately, to improve health outcomes. The challenge is that the range of thoughts, feelings and behaviours is quite wide, and the ECG and investigators were unable to agree that CBT works through the same therapeutic mechanisms for every condition for which it has been used. The ECG recommended that future research should target identifying what the mechanisms of CBT are for each population. If these mechanisms could improve symptoms in other populations, then the evidence for effectiveness could be meaningfully generalised across the conditions. This will be a judgement call and there are likely to be situations in which details on mechanisms are available and similar to those included in reviews, and that the context and characteristics align to provide confidence in broader generalisation. The ECG suggested that a systematic review of mediation studies of CBT would be helpful in this respect, but this was outside the scope of this study.
Chapter 7 Discussion
Principal findings and their meaning
Cognitive–behavioural therapy has been evaluated (with systematic reviews) in most conditions (68%, 27/40 of ICD-11 categories). These reviews have summarised the RCT evidence of whether or not CBT improved outcomes in these conditions. The review estimates were similar enough between the different conditions for us to generate a general (as opposed to a condition-specific) effect estimate. We found that CBT produced a modest general benefit to HRQoL, anxiety and pain outcomes. The evidence was consistent across all 22 out of 40 (55%) conditions (and comorbidities), populations and contexts that have been tested.
The estimates for depression outcomes between conditions were too different; therefore, we could not produce a pooled general effect estimate. Although there were many more reviews in the depression PMA, the reviews used fewer different outcome measurements than in HRQoL, anxiety and pain PMAs. Therefore, it is unlikely that the high heterogeneity is due to the variation in the outcome measurements used. CBT has been shown to be very effective for people with clinical depression. 531,532 Our overview does not suggest that CBT is not effective for symptoms of depression, only that there was a great variation in how effective it was for changing depression symptoms across different conditions.
Cognitive–behavioural therapy was effective whether it was delivered in high- or low-intensity formats. This is not to imply that CBT can be delivered in high- or low-intensity formats interchangeably. The findings simply state that when low-intensity CBT has been tested in RCTs and synthesised into reviews, we found that it improved HRQoL, anxiety and pain outcomes. This adds strength to the argument that the mechanisms by which CBT is effective remain effective when delivered via high- or low-intensity formats.
Cognitive–behavioural therapy was effective in the short and long term. However, there was a paucity of reporting on the longer-term follow-ups (i.e. > 5 years post intervention); therefore, we have not captured the importance of relapse. We highlighted in the mapping exercise that there is a paucity of systematic review evidence regarding relapse prevention; this is an essential consideration to take into account when interpreting these findings.
When we pooled reviews that compared CBT with active interventions (e.g. pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, exercise, education or relaxation), the effect estimates became very small. We found a significant interaction in the HRQoL analyses between those reviews that compared CBT with an active comparator and those that compared CBT with an inactive comparator. This could suggest that CBT and these other active interventions share mechanisms that improve HRQoL for patients.
We assume that CBT will help children, adolescents and adults, but we are uncertain as to how much it will help older adults, as there is less available evidence for this age population. We feel confident that CBT will be equally effective for male and female participants. The evidence base over-represents people who live in Europe, North America and Australasia, and poorly reports the ethnicity of the samples in the reviews. Consequently, we do not know if the effects will translate across people of different ethnicities in Europe, North America or Australasia or, to people who live in Asia, Africa or South America.
When an individual systematic review pools evidence across many trials, the sample sizes can remain small. Small sample sizes mean that the effect estimate is less certain. One of the major strengths of this overview is that, by pooling data from many reviews across conditions, we become more certain of the effect estimates. Our HRQoL and anxiety outcome estimates include > 4000 participants, which guidance suggests indicates a certain effect. 533
To maintain the lowest risk of bias and the greatest design homogeneity, we conducted our primary analyses with the highest-quality (rated ‘moderate’ or ‘high’ on the AMSTAR-2 checklist) reviews. The most common criticism of all the reviews was that we, as readers, could not access a review protocol to check if the authors had performed what they had intended to perform and had not simply ‘cherry-picked’ results to present in the review publication. Another common problem was reviews not reporting the reasons why they excluded trials from their review. Without this information, we cannot check if there was any bias towards including some, but not other, trials. Our sensitivity analyses suggest that the higher-quality reviews report consistent findings (less heterogeneity), compared with poorer-quality reviews, but the quality of the reviews did not alter the effect estimates.
As the inclusion of the lower-quality reviews did not alter the effect estimates, we concluded that the general effect is consistent across conditions represented by higher- and lower-quality reviews. We also suggested that the effect could be generalised to comorbid conditions represented by these reviews. Consequently, the general effect can be generalised to over half (55%) of all conditions represented in the ICD-11.
The main methodological weakness was due to our restriction in remaining at the review level, as opposed to including RCT-level extraction and analysis. The mapping exercise identified 494 reviews. Of these, 279 were not included in the PMA because we could not extract the purely CBT RCT evidence. For example, a review that synthesised 10 CBT RCTs with three non-RCTs would be excluded from the PMA unless the review had presented any of the purely RCT evidence in isolation (even if it was one single RCT, which we could include). Similarly, if a review included 30 CBT RCTs combined with six mindfulness-based cognitive therapy RCTs, then this would have been excluded unless the review also presented a separate CBT subgroup analysis. The only way we would have been able to include these RCTs would have been to return to the original RCTs, extract the data and perform a meta-analysis of those data for entry into the PMA. This was a conflicting decision. The evidence base was so large that we did not have the resources to perform RCT-level extraction or analysis, but this was at the expense of many RCTs being excluded from the PMAs.
Another consequence of remaining at the review level was the limitation of the quality assessments. A review of high quality may include RCTs judged to have a high risk of bias. Without performing additional RCT-level assessment and a separate analysis of RCTs with low risks of bias, we could not restrict the data to the best-quality RCT-level data.
This overview does not examine the health economics of the CBT evidence base, which is an essential element of commissioning and is the context of evidence-based medicine. We could not perform this analysis because it was beyond the scope of this current overview.
Our method for classifying reviews was to represent each review in one ICD-11 code. We classified the review by the primary condition the CBT was being used to treat. For example, a review of CBT for depression in COPD patients was classified as a review of CBT for depression with comorbid COPD. This meant that we could not reflect the multimorbidity represented in these reviews. A total of 158 out of 494 reviews included a comorbid condition such as alcohol abuse or dementia. Our methodology means that we have under-represented the number of different conditions for which CBT has been used to improve HRQoL and reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety and pain.
We have mapped the systematic review data across each condition and by the following groups: ‘who’ (populations with different clinical severity), ‘what’ (the CBT intensity format) and ‘when’ (delivered at what time, i.e. preventatively, in response to clinical diagnosis or as a relapse prevention). We were restricted to reporting and analysing the review-level data. Reviews often combined RCTs conducted across multiple subgroups. We did not perform RCT-level exploration of the subgroups, which limits the accuracy of our findings.
Our indirect (intensity subgroup analyses) and direct (high- compared with low-intensity CBT reviews) evidence suggested no difference in effectiveness between using high-intensity and using low-intensity CBT. However, although reviews of high-intensity CBT produced broadly similar estimates of CBT’s effectiveness, the estimates from low-intensity reviews varied widely. The large variation in the low-intensity CBT estimates may be due to our definition of low-intensity CBT. 1 We combined face-to-face delivery of CBT by paraprofessionals with self-help delivery of CBT (e.g. internet CBT). Future subgroup analyses could test if these two methods of delivery moderate the effectiveness of CBT.
When a review did not report how CBT was delivered in the included trials (i.e. high- or low-intensity CBT), we assumed that it was delivered face to face by a specialist (high intensity). We made this assumption because high-intensity CBT was the original and most common delivery method. When we developed our data extraction methods, we checked the trials in reviews that did not specify the CBT intensity. We found that these trials had tested high-intensity CBT. However, we did not check the included trials for every review included in our overview; therefore, this assumption may have led to us over-representing high-intensity CBT.
We made another assumption, whereby, if a review did not specify the time when the follow-up data were collected, we presumed that it was short term (< 12 months post intervention). We made this assumption because the majority of trials employed short-term follow-ups. However, as before, this assumption may be incorrect for some reviews.
Although most reviews estimated their effects with a random-effects meta-analysis, a few used a fixed-effects approach. We made an assumption that the within-review variability had been appropriately allowed for. If this assumption was incorrect, then our results might underestimate the amount of variation within conditions.
To make a meaningful interpretation of our effect estimates, we transformed them into mean differences using the standard deviation of the target outcome measure. If the value of this standard deviation is not a good approximate to the true standard deviation for this outcome, we might be underestimating or overestimating the effect size for each outcome considered.
We used techniques, such as using workbooks to record personal reflections, in the ECG meetings to ensure that each member could contribute equally. However, the debates often became polarised between academic discussions. Nevertheless, talking to PPI representatives more informally and during breaks generated rich feedback that helped the research group. On reflection, we should have included a formal forum at the end of each ECG meeting in which every member could summarise the day’s discussion and ask specific questions.
We have high-quality systematic review evidence, which demonstrates that, in comparison to no intervention, CBT improves HRQoL, anxiety and pain outcomes by a modest amount. This includes CBT that is delivered through low- and high-intensity formats. The benefit has been consistent in every condition, population and context in which it has been tested and synthesised into a systematic review. There are some conditions and contexts in which we are less certain about generalising the estimates from the PMA. These include conditions for which there is no similar condition already included in the review (e.g. vision impairments), or if CBT is being applied in contexts that we believe will vary substantially because of, among other things, cultural issues and health beliefs.
We have used a framework of broader generalisation that has considered pathophysiological rationale alongside the traditional quality indicators used in evidence-based medicine. 534,535 The early proponents of evidence-based medicine were more subtle in their approach, and demanded that values, circumstances, expertise and even pathophysiologic rationale be considered, especially when generalising evidence from clinical trials. 536,537 The most prominent evidence-based medicine rule of evidence is the GRADE system, which does not allow any role for pathophysiologic rationale at all, even though it does allow for recommendations to populations outside the trial (generalising). 5 We suggested that using the results of the PMA alongside knowledge of mechanistic actions of CBT in particular situations may enable the generalisation of this effective treatment (CBT) to a greater range of physical and mental conditions (and hence patients).
Chapter 8 Conclusion
Cognitive–behavioural therapy can help patients cope with the challenges of living with mental and physical conditions. We have found that it consistently improves quality of life and reduces anxiety and pain symptoms for people living with many different conditions across the 19 ICD-11 categories for which we have systematic review evidence. CBT has been tested in many different populations and contexts, and all these reviews report effects that are consistent with our general effects. High- and low-intensity CBT appear to be equally effective. The biggest area of uncertainty is around whether sociological constructs, such as ethnicity, religion, culture, country or language, could moderate the effectiveness of CBT or whether it will be equally effective across these constructs. We suggest that CBT will be effective for the conditions represented in the ICD-11 codes we have represented in the overview. However, we are unclear if the general effect can be applied to conditions that are not represented at all in the overview.
Chapter 9 Recommendations
Future research
The overview suggests a general benefit of CBT in physical and mental conditions. However, we also identified some unanswered questions. These are not presented in an order of priority:
We do not know what the mediating variables for CBT’s effectiveness are, nor do we know whether or not these are different across conditions. We recommend a review or an overview of CBT mechanisms across conditions.
We do not know the longer-term effects of CBT. Reviews of CBT trials that monitor their participants over ≥ 5 years, and that account for the relapse in patients, are needed to see if the effects remain across all conditions.
We found that CBT produced a modest benefit in HRQoL, anxiety and pain outcomes. Clinical research should focus on identifying how these effects from CBT can be magnified. For example –
Examining if the delivery of CBT can be modified to increase adherence and reduce dropouts (e.g. examining if the location of therapy delivery influences attendance rates).
Prioritising assessments of treatment fidelity and quality to check whether or not the therapists delivering CBT are adhering to the same core CBT principles. 1 A novel method to check the content of face-to-face CBT consultations is to use artificial intelligence to monitor if a therapist has used a core CBT technique.
We were not confident to recommend that CBT would work equally for older adults because of an absence of evidence. We are aware of new reviews and existing trials that suggest that CBT will be equally effective for older adults (aged > 65 years). 538 For example, a large, recent review found that the effects for psychotherapy (including CBT) on depression outcomes were equal between adults (aged 24–55 years), older adults (aged 55–75 years) and the oldest adults (aged > 75 years old). 538
We were unsure, owing to a lack of reporting on ethnicity of trial samples, whether or not CBT would be equally effective across ethnic groups. Another review of psychotherapy (including CBT) on depression outcomes between racial/ethnic groups concluded that race/ethnicity did not moderate the effectiveness of psychotherapy. However, authors highlight the problems of defining an ethnic group and encourage future research to include country of residence, language, religion and race in a definition of ethnicity. 539
Owing to an absence of evidence of trials conducted in Africa, Asia and South America, we were unsure if the general effects of CBT would apply to people living in those countries. The overview excluded reviews not published in English. Future research could prioritise reviews of CBT that include trials conducted in Africa, Asia or South America to see if the effects are the same as they have been in Europe, North America and Australasia.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Overview Expert Consultation Group (CBT-O ECG)
Bethan Copsey, Medical Statistician, School of Medicine, University of Leeds.
Roshan das Nair, Professor of Clinical Psychology, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham.
Katherine Edwards, Research Assistant, Reviews and Implementation Group, University of Liverpool.
Douglas Findlay, Patient and Public Representative, who was an ECG member and reviewed the report.
Beth Fordham, Senior Psychology Fellow, Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences (NDORMS), University of Oxford.
Daniel Freeman, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, who was a member of the ECG and reviewed the report.
Zara Hansen, CBT therapist specialising in pain conditions, NDORMS, University of Oxford.
Karla Hemming, Professor of Biostatistics, Institute of Applied Health Research Professor of Biostatistics, University of Birmingham.
Robert Howard, Professor of Psychiatry, Institute of Mental Health, University College London.
Jeremy Howick, Senior Fellow, Department of Philosophy, University of Oxford.
Sarah E Lamb, Mireille Gillings Professor of Health Innovation, College of Medicine and Health, University of Exeter.
Hopin Lee, Research Fellow, NDORMS, University of Oxford.
Richard Lilford, Professor and Director of National Institute for Health Research Applied Research Centre West Midlands, University of Birmingham, who was a member of the ECG.
Michael Lyle, Patient and Public Representative, who was a member of the ECG.
Paul Salkovskis, Professor of Clinical Psychology and Director for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, University of Oxford, who was a member of the ECG and reviewed the report.
Michael Sharpe, Professor of Psychological Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford.
Paul Stallard, Professor of Child and Family Mental Health, Department for Health, University of Bath.
Thavapriya Sugavanam, Research Fellow, NDORMS, University of Oxford.
Personal communications
Personal communication with Georgina MacKenzie, PROSPERO Project Manager/Research Project Support Officer, 2018 regarding operationalising the CRD guidelines.
Personal communication with Beverly Shea, developer of the AMSTAR-2 checklist, 2019, regarding the re-classification of the four AMSTAR-2 quality ratings into higher (‘high’ and ‘moderate’ AMSTAR-2 ratings) and lower quality (‘low’ and ‘critically low’ AMSTAR-2 ratings) reviews.
Contributions of authors
Dr Beth Fordham ( (Senior Health Psychology Fellow) was the principal investigator and the grant holder.
Dr Thavapriya Sugavanam ( (Post-doctoral Research Assistant) contributed to the protocol development, database selection, search term selection, reference management, title/abstract screening, full-text screening, data extraction, quality assessment, data analysis, interpretation and report writing.
Ms Katherine Edwards ( (Research Associate) contributed to the full-text retrieval, reference management, title/abstract screening, full-text screening, data extraction, quality assessment, data analysis, interpretation and report writing.
Professor Karla Hemming ( (Professor of Biostatistics) has expertise in PMA. She made a large contribution to the design, procedure, analysis, interpretation and report writing.
Dr Jeremy Howick ( (Senior Fellow) has expertise in Epistemology Philosophy of Medicine. He developed the generalisation methodology and contributed to the report writing.
Dr Bethan Copsey ( (Post-doctoral Research Fellow) designed and ran the PMA and contributed to the data extraction and interpretation.
Dr Hopin Lee ( (Post-doctoral Research Fellow) contributed to the data analysis, interpretation and writing.
Ms Milla Kaidesoja ( (HiLIFE Research Trainee) contributed to the data extraction, generalisation and interpretation.
Ms Shona Kirtley ( (Senior Information Specialist) led the database search and keyword selection aspects of the overview and commented on the methods section of the final report.
Assistant Professor Sally Hopewell ( (Associate Professor of Trials and Reviews) has methodology expertise and contributed to the design, procedure and interpretation.
Professor Roshan das Nair ( (Professor of Clinical Psychology) contributed to the methodological design, interpretation and report writing. Professor das Nair has a special interest in cultural and minority representation.
Professor Robert Howard ( (Professor of Psychiatry) was a member of the ECG and contributed to the report writing and dissemination.
Professor Paul Stallard ( (Professor of Child and Family Mental Health) was a member of the ECG and contributed to the report writing and dissemination.
Ms Julia Hamer-Hunt (Patient and Public Representative) was an ECG member, reviewed the report and contributed to the plain English summary of the report.
Professor Zafra Cooper ( (Professor of Psychiatry) was a member of the ECG, reviewed the report and contributed to the report writing.
Professor Sarah E Lamb ( (Professor of Rehabilitation) was mentor to Dr Beth Fordham throughout the entire project. She contributed to every stage of this project from the design to the interpretation and writing.
Fordham B, Sugavanam T, Edwards K, Stallard P, Howard R, das Nair R, et al. The evidence for cognitive behavioural therapy in any condition, population or context: a meta-review of systematic reviews and panoramic meta-analysis. Psychol Med 2021;51:21–9.
Data-sharing statement
Requests for access to data should be addressed to the corresponding author.
This report presents independent research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The views and opinions expressed by authors in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the NHS, the NIHR, NETSCC, the HTA programme or the Department of Health and Social Care. If there are verbatim quotations included in this publication the views and opinions expressed by the interviewees are those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect those of the authors, those of the NHS, the NIHR, NETSCC, the HTA programme or the Department of Health and Social Care.
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Appendix 1 Sensitivity check papers
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van Straten A, Geraedts A, Verdonck-de Leeuw I, Andersson G, Cuijpers P. Psychological treatment of depressive symptoms in patients with medical disorders: a meta-analysis. J Psychosom Res 2010;69:23–32.
Appendix 2 Detailed search strategies for review
Database and platform
Ovid MEDLINE® Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE® Daily and Ovid MEDLINE®, 1946 to present.
Search filter
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network systematic review search filter for MEDLINE (via Ovid) [ (accessed February 2019)].
Date search was conducted
Original: 25 April 2018 (for publication years 1992 to present) (2967 references).
Updated: 30 January 2019 (for publication years 2018–19) (359 references).
Search strategy
(cognitive adj2 behavio?r adj3 (therap$ or theor$ or intervention$ or train$ or treatment$ or psychotherap$ or programme$ or program$ or method$ or approach$)).ti,ab,kw.
(cognitive adj2 behavio?ral adj3 (therap$ or theor$ or intervention$ or train$ or treatment$ or psychotherap$ or programme$ or program$ or method$ or approach$)).ti,ab,kw.
Cognitive Therapy/
Meta-Analysis as Topic/
meta analy$.tw.
(systematic adj (review$1 or overview$1)).tw.
exp Review Literature as Topic/
(psychlit or psyclit).ab.
(psychinfo or psycinfo).ab.
(cinahl or cinhal).ab.
science citation index.ab.
reference list$.ab.
relevant journals.ab.
manual search$.ab.
selection criteria.ab.
data extraction.ab.
28 or 29
30 and 31
36 and 37
36 not 38
12 or 21 or 27 or 32
41 not 40
5 and 42
limit 43 to yr = ‘1992-2018’.
Database and platform
Embase, 1974–2018, week 17 (via Ovid).
Search filter
The SIGN systematic review filter for EMBASE (via Ovid) [ (accessed February 2019)].
Date search was conducted
Original: 25 April 2018 (for publication years 1992 to present) (4862 references).
Update: 30 January 2019 (for publication years 2018–19) (192 references).
Search strategy
(cognitive adj2 behavio?r adj3 (therap$ or theor$ or intervention$ or train$ or treatment$ or psychotherap$ or programme$ or program$ or method$ or approach$)).ti,ab,kw.
(cognitive adj2 behavio?ral adj3 (therap$ or theor$ or intervention$ or train$ or treatment$ or psychotherap$ or programme$ or program$ or method$ or approach$)).ti,ab,kw.
Cognitive Therapy/
exp Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/
exp Meta Analysis/
((meta adj analy$) or metaanalys$).tw.
(systematic adj (review$1 or overview$1)).tw.
(psychlit or psyclit).ab.
(psychinfo or psycinfo).ab.
(cinahl or cinhal).ab.
science citation index.ab.
reference list$.ab.
relevant journals.ab.
manual search$.ab.
selection criteria.ab.
data extraction.ab.
26 or 27
28 and 29
33 and 34
33 not 35
10 or 19 or 25 or 30
38 not 37
6 and 39
limit 40 to yr = ‘1992-2018’.
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature
Database and platform
CINAHL (via EBSCOhost).
Search filter
The SIGN systematic review filter for CINAHL (via EBSCOhost) [ (accessed February 2019)].
Date search was conducted
Original: 25 April 2018 (for publication years 1992 to present) (1062 references).
Update: 30 January 2019 (for publication years 2018–19) (174 references).
Search strategy
(TI (cognitive N2 behaviour N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AB (cognitive N2 behaviour N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*))
(TI (cognitive N2 behavior N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AB (cognitive N2 behavior N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*))
(TI (cognitive N2 behavioural N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AB (cognitive N2 behavioural N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*))
(TI cognitive N2 behavioral N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AB cognitive N2 behavioral N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*))
(TI ‘CBT’) OR (AB ‘CBT’)
(MH ‘Cognitive Therapy’) OR (SU ‘Cognitive Therapy’)
S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6
(MH Meta Analysis)
(TX ‘meta analys*’)
(TX ‘metaanaly*’)
(MH ‘Literature Review+’)
(TX systematic N1 (review or overview))
S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12
(PT ‘Commentary’)
(PT ‘Letter’)
(PT ‘Editorial’)
(MH Animals)
S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17
S13 NOT S18
S7 AND S19
PY 1992-2018
S20 AND S21
Database and platform:
PsycINFO, 1967 to April week 2 2018 (via Ovid).
Search filter
McMaster Hedges Maximises Specificity Systematic Review filter for PsycINFO (via Ovid) (modified) [ (accessed February 2019)].
Date search was conducted
Original: 27 April 2018 (for publication years 1992 to present) (2190 references).
Update: 30 January 2019 (for publication years 2018–19) (150 references).
Search strategy
(cognitive adj2 behavio?r adj3 (therap$ or theor$ or intervention$ or train$ or treatment$ or psychotherap$ or programme$ or program$ or method$ or approach$)).ti,ab.
(cognitive adj2 behavio?ral adj3 (therap$ or theor$ or intervention$ or train$ or treatment$ or psychotherap$ or programme$ or program$ or method$ or approach$)).ti,ab.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy/
5 and 10
limit 11 to yr = ‘1992-2018’
The McMaster Hedges Maximises Specificity Systematic Review filter for PsycINFO was modified in the following way:
Changed ‘’ to ‘meta-analy$.tw.’
Added ‘systematic’ and ‘meta’
This was to account for known missing papers with ‘meta-analyses’ or ‘meta-analytic’ in the abstract and for papers that do not use ‘search’ (e.g. where ‘retrieval’ or ‘databases surveyed’ is used). If the papers are systematic reviews or reviews, they should be assigned the methodology heading (‘.md.’).
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Database and platform
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [via The Cochrane Library: (accessed May 2020)].
Date search was conducted
Original: 26 April 2018 (for publication years 1992 to present) (176 references).
Update: 30 January 2019 (for publication years 2018–19) (20 references).
Search strategy
(cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 therap*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 theor*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 intervention*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 train*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 treatment*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 psychotherap*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 programme*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 program*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 method*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 approach*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 therap*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 theor*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 intervention*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 train*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 treatment*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 psychotherap*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 programme*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 program*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 method*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
(cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 approach*):ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
‘CBT’:ti,ab,kw in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
[mh ‘Cognitive Therapy’] in Cochrane Reviews (Reviews only)
#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22
#23 Publication Year from 1992 to 2018
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects
Database and platform
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effect [via The Cochrane Library: (accessed May 2020)].
Date search was conducted
Original: 26 April 2018 (for publication years 1992 to present) (610 references).
Update: no updated search on DARE as no longer updated.
Search strategy
cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 therap*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 theor*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 intervention*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 train*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 treatment*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 psychotherap*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 programme*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 program*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 method*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behaviour* next/3 approach*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 therap*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 theor*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 intervention*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 train*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 treatment*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 psychotherap*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 programme*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 program*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 method*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
cognitive next/2 behavior* next/3 approach*:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
‘CBT’:ti,ab,kw in Other Reviews
[mh ‘Cognitive Therapy’] in Other Reviews
#1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 or #13 or #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22
#23 Publication Year from 1992 to 2018.
Child Development and Adolescent Studies
Database and platform
Child Development and Adolescent Studies (via EBSCOhost).
Date search was conducted
Original: 25 April 2018 (for publication years 1992 to present) (177 references).
Update: 30 January 2019 (for publication years 2018–19) (21 references).
Search strategy
(TI (cognitive N2 behaviour N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AB (cognitive N2 behaviour N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AS (cognitive N2 behaviour N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*))
(TI (cognitive N2 behavior N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AB (cognitive N2 behavior N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AS (cognitive N2 behavior N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*))
(TI (cognitive N2 behavioural N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AB (cognitive N2 behavioural N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AS (cognitive N2 behavioural N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*))
(TI cognitive N2 behavioral N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AB cognitive N2 behavioral N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*)) OR (AS cognitive N2 behavioral N3 (therap* or theor* or intervention* or train* or treatment* or psychotherap* or programme* or program* or method* or approach*))
(TI ‘CBT’) OR (AB ‘CBT’) OR (DE ‘CBT’)
(DE ‘Cognitive Therapy’) OR (SU ‘Cognitive Therapy’)
(DE ‘Cognitive-behavioral therapy’) OR (DE ‘Cognitive behavioral therapy’) OR (DE ‘Cognitive-behavioural therapy’) OR (DE ‘Cognitive behavioural therapy’) OR (DE ‘Cognitive-behavior therapy’) OR (DE ‘Cognitive behavior therapy’) OR (DE ‘Cognitive-behaviour therapy’) OR (DE ‘Cognitive behaviour therapy’)
(DE ‘BEHAVIOR therapy’) OR (SU ‘BEHAVIOR therapy’) OR (DE ‘BEHAVIOUR therapy’) OR (SU ‘BEHAVIOUR therapy’) OR (DE ‘BEHAVIORAL therapy’) OR (SU ‘BEHAVIORAL therapy’) OR (DE ‘BEHAVIOURAL therapy’) OR (SU ‘BEHAVIOURAL therapy’)
S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8
(DE ‘SYSTEMATIC reviews (Medical research)’) OR (DE ‘systematic review’) OR (SU ‘SYSTEMATIC reviews (Medical research)’) OR (DE ‘review’)
(DE ‘META-analysis’) OR (SU ‘META-analysis’)
(DE ‘Literature Review’)
(TX ‘metaanaly*’)
(TX ‘meta analy*’)
(TX systematic N3 (review or overview))
S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15
S9 AND S16
DT 1992-2018
S17 AND S18.
Database and platform
OpenGrey [via (accessed February 2019)].
Date search was conducted
Original: 26 April 2018 (295 references).
Update: 30 January 2019 (0 references).
Search strategy
‘cognitive behavioral’ OR ‘cognitive behavioural’ OR ‘cognitive behavior’ OR ‘cognitive behaviour’ OR ‘CBT’.
Appendix 3 Data extraction form for mapping
Data extraction | Notes |
Review ID (surname, year) | |
Reviewer completing form | |
Date completed | |
Reference citation (first author, title, journal, volume, issue) | |
Published in last 5 years (Y/N) | |
Aim of the review | |
Design of included studies [RCT n = [participants n = ]] | |
Any risk-of-bias tool employed (Y/N) [Detail] | RoB not just quality assessment tool. Report the actual tool used in ‘details’ |
Primary health problem | Report ICD-11 for every health problem reported |
Secondary health problem | |
Severity (mild, moderate, severe, NR) | Select one or many or ‘unclear’ |
Age categories [number of RCTs] | Select one or many of children, adolescents, adults, older adults or ‘not reported’ or ‘unclear’ |
Other characteristics reported: (1) gender, (2) ethnicity, (3) other specific/unique information | Report top-level information on (1) gender (2) ethnicity and (3) if available other information (but do not need to search) |
Where recruited [number of RCTs] | Report as the review has reported: clinic, university, internet, etc |
When delivered [number of RCTs] | Drop-down list [(1) preventative (2) preventative for relapse (3) early intervention (4) standard treatment (5) mixed (6) not reported (7) other (standard treatment is the norm, the others are if review specifies a target)] |
Countries included [number of RCTs] | |
CBT high/low/combined: description of CBT |
CBT overall: number of sessions, duration and frequency | As much as is available in the review. Can synthesise ourselves but only at this top level |
CBT content description 1 [number of RCTs/total RCTs] | Report high-intensity intervention first then low intensity |
CBT description 2 [number of RCTs/total] | Complete for every type of CBT category the review includes |
CBT description 3 [number of RCTs/total] | |
CBT description 4 [number of RCTs/total] | |
CBT description 5 [number of RCTs/total] | |
Control description 1 [number of RCTs] | If review synthesises all non-active/active together, then extract as such; if reported as separate control groups, then we can extract as such and then later we will combine |
Control description 2 [number of RCTs] | |
Control description 3 [number of RCTs] | |
Control description 4 [number of RCTs] | |
Control description 5 [number of RCTs] | |
Other details | Only most pertinent information if required |
HRQoL category | Choose (1) category, (2) category but no data available, (3) not measured. If HRQoL emerges at individual RCT level, then we extract (but only for HRQoL) |
How measured [name(s) of instruments/method] | Specific name of outcome |
When measured [pegged time point?] | Short (majority < 12 months), long (majority ≥ 12 months) or ‘unclear’ [if the review reports where the follow-up time points are pegged to, i.e. post randomisation, post intervention, then report] |
Number of RCTs [number of participants] | Number of RCTs [number of participants] |
Meta-analysis [Y/N] | If no meta-analysis, please report the direction of results (i.e. in favour or not in favour of CBT) |
Depression category | Choose (1) category, (2) category but no data available, (3) not measured |
How measured [name(s) of instruments/method] | Specific name of outcome |
When measured [pegged time point?] | Short (majority < 12 months), long (majority ≥ 12 months) or ‘unclear’ [if the review reports where the follow-up time points are pegged to, i.e. post randomisation, post intervention, then report] |
Number of RCTs [number of participants] | Number of RCTs [number of participants] |
Meta-analysis [Y/N] | If no meta-analysis, please report the direction of results (i.e. in favour or not in favour of CBT) |
Anxiety category | Choose (1) category (2) category but no data available (3) not measured |
How measured [name(s) of instruments/method] | Specific name of outcome |
When measured [pegged time point?] | Short (majority < 12 months), long (majority ≥ 12 months) or ‘unclear’ [if the review reports where the follow-up time points are pegged to, i.e. post randomisation, post intervention, then report] |
Number of RCTs [number of participants] | Number of RCTs [number of participants] |
Meta-analysis [Y/N] | If no meta-analysis, please report the direction of results (i.e. in favour or not in favour of CBT) |
Physical/physiological category | Choose (1) category, (2) category but no data available, (3) not measured |
How measured [name(s) of instruments/method] | Specific name of outcome |
When measured [pegged time point?] | Short (majority < 12 months), long (majority ≥ 12 months) or ‘unclear’ [if the review reports where the follow-up time points are pegged to, i.e. post randomisation, post intervention, then report] |
Number of RCTs [number of participants] | Number of RCTs [number of participants] |
Meta-analysis [Y/N] | If no meta-analysis, please report the direction of results (i.e. in favour or not in favour of CBT) |
Psychosis category | Choose (1) category, (2) category but no data available, (3) not measured |
How measured [name(s) of instruments/method] | Specific name of outcome |
When measured [pegged time point?] | Short (majority < 12 months), long (majority ≥ 12 months) or ‘unclear’ [if the review reports where the follow-up time points are pegged to, i.e. post randomisation, post intervention, then report] |
Number of RCTs [number of participants] | Number of RCTs [number of participants] |
Meta-analysis [Y/N] | If no meta-analysis, please report the direction of results (i.e. in favour or not in favour of CBT) |
All other outcomes reported in review | List format e.g. (1) PANSS psychosis |
Overall | See AMSTAR-2 PDF21 |
Mechanism data | Extraction of entire section ‘How the intervention might work’ (for Cochrane reviews), or similar (other reviews), and/or direct data: namely changes to beliefs such as self-efficacy or hypotheses for mechanisms such as presented in the discussions |
Acceptability | |
Satisfaction | |
Adverse effects | |
Economic analyses |
Appendix 4 The AMSTAR-2 checklist
Reproduced from Shea et al. 4 with permission. Copyright © 2017, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt and build upon this work, for commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited. See:
Appendix 5 Data extraction form for the panoramic meta-analysis
Meta-analysis details | |
HRQoL | |
GRADE or equivalent | |
Intervention vs. control group | |
Age group | |
When measured | |
Name of outcome instrument | Specific name of instrument on which meta-analysis was conducted |
Number of RCTs | |
Continuous SMD or MD [S/MD post or S/MD of change] (± favours intervention or not) | |
Number of participants | |
S/MD (effect size) and type [95% CI] | Hedges or Cohen (± favours intervention or not) |
I 2 | |
Fixed or random effects | |
Reference | |
Depression | |
GRADE or equivalent | |
Intervention vs. control group | |
Age group | |
Name of outcome instrument | |
When measured | |
Number of RCTs | |
Binary OR or RR (± favours intervention or not) | |
Number of participants | |
Number of events | |
OR/RR [95% CI] | |
I 2 | |
Fixed or random effects | |
Continuous SMD or MD [S/MD post or S/MD of change] (± favours intervention or not) | |
Number of participants | |
S/MD (effect size) and type [95% CI] | |
I 2 | |
Fixed or random effects | |
Reference | |
Anxiety | |
GRADE or equivalent | |
Intervention vs. control group | |
Age group | |
Name of outcome instrument | |
When measured | |
Number of RCTs | |
Binary OR or RR (± favours intervention or not) | |
Number of participants | |
Number of events | |
OR/RR [95% CI] | |
I 2 | |
Fixed or random effects | |
Continuous SMD or MD [S/MD post or S/MD of change] (± favours intervention or not) | |
Number of participants | |
S/MD (effect size) and type [95% CI] | |
I 2 | |
Fixed or random effects | |
Reference | |
Physical/physiological | |
GRADE or equivalent | |
Intervention vs. control group | |
Age group | |
When measured | |
Name of outcome instrument | |
Number of RCTs | |
Binary OR or RR (± favours intervention or not) | |
Number of participants | |
Number of events | |
OR/RR [95% CI] | |
I 2 | |
Fixed or random effects | |
Continuous SMD or MD [S/MD post or S/MD of change] (± favours intervention or not) | |
Number of participants | |
S/MD (effect size) and type [95% CI] | |
I 2 | |
Fixed or random effects | |
Reference | |
Psychosis | |
GRADE or equivalent | |
Intervention vs. control group | |
Age group | |
Name of outcome instrument | |
When measured | |
Number of RCTs | |
Binary OR or RR (± favours intervention or not) | |
Number of participants | |
Number of events | |
OR/RR [95% CI] | |
I 2 | |
Fixed or random effects | |
Continuous SMD or MD (± favours intervention or not) | |
Number of participants | |
S/MD (effect size) and type [95% CI] | |
I 2 | |
Fixed or random effects | |
Reference |
Appendix 6 References to studies excluded at the full-text screening stage, with reasons for exclusion
Studies excluded because no English full text or translation available (n = 237)
Abdel-Baki A, Nicole L. [Schizophrenia and cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT).] Can J Psychiatry 2001;46:511–21.
Aghaie E, Abedi A, Paghale SJ. [Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of cognitive–behavior interventions in the reduction 3 of test anxiety in Iran.] Iran J Psychiatry Clin Psychol 2012;18:3–12.
Ahmadnia E, Haseli A, Karamat A. [Therapeutic interventions conducted on improving women’s sexual satisfaction and function during reproductive ages in Iran: a systematic review.] J Mazandaran Univ Med Sci 2017;27:146–62.
Ahonen S, Kivela SL. [Effects of cognitive and behavioral treatments on primary insomnia in old age.] Duodecim 2010;126:794–802.
Albert U, Barbaro F, Aguglia A, Maina G, Bogetto F. [Combined treatments in obsessive–compulsive disorder: current knowledge and future prospects.] Riv Psichiatr 2012;47:255–68.
Algar MJM, Garcia PB. [Approach to anxiety in patients diagnosed with cancer.] Psicooncologia 2016;13:227–48.
Almeida Lima Junior N, Lopes Paes DG, Belchior Pontes GC, Gomes Sancho A, da Silva Rosa JL, Dias Faria ÁC. Possíveis impactos do transtorno de ansiedade social no processo de envelhecimento. Fisioterap Bras 2018;19:577–81.
Almeida AM, Lotufo Neto F. [Cognitive–behavioral therapy in prevention of depression relapses and recurrences: a review.] Rev Bras Psiquiatr 2003;25:239–44.
Ambresin G, De Roten Y, Despland JN. [Psychotherapy of depression in primary care.] Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiatr 2016;167:147–54.
Andanson J, Pourre F, Maffre T, Raynaud JP. [Social skills training groups for children and adolescents with Asperger syndrome: a review.] Arch Pediatr 2011;18:589–96.
Arteriole N. [Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy in Bipolar Disorder.] PhD thesis. Caen: Université de Caen Normandie & Université de Caen UFR de médecine; 2013.
Auclair V, Harvey PO, Lepage M. [Cognitive behavioral therapy and the treatment of ADHD in adults.] Sante Ment Que 2016;41:291–311.
Bacaltchuk J, Hay P. [Treatment of bulimia nervosa: a synthesis of evidence.] Rev Bras Psiquiatr 1999;21:184–7.
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Block I, Loeber S. [Evidence-based psychotherapy of addictive disorders.] Nervenarzt 2018;89:283–9.
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Bornas X, Rodrigo T, Barcelo F, Toledo M. [New technologies in cognitive-behavioral therapy: a review.] Int J Clin Health Psychol 2002;2:533–41.
Boschi M, Santandrea S, Vanti C. [Efficacy of cognitive behavioural therapy in non-specific neck pain: a systematic review.] Sci Riabil 2010;12:5–15.
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Brandao T, Mena Matos P. [Efficacy of psychological group interventions for women with breast cancer: a systematic review.] Rev Port Saude Publica 2015;33:98–106.
Brown RC. [Psychotherapeutic interventions for suicidal adolescents – a systematic review of the current literature.] Z Kind Jugendpsychiatr Psychotherap 2017;45:499–508.
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Calzolari L, Fioravanti G. [A comparison between acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy: a review of literature.] Psicoter Cogn Comportamental 2016;22:103–17.
Caselli G, Manfredi C, Ruggiero GM, Sassaroli S. [Cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety disorders: a review of efficacy studies.] Psicoter Cogn Comportamental 2016;22:81–101.
Castelein S, Knegtering H, Van Meijel B, Van Der Gaag M. [Dutch guideline on Schizophrenia 2012: basic care within the areas of psychosocial interventions and nursing care.] Tijdschr Psychiatr 2013;55:707–14.
Cavadas LF, Ribeiro L. [Management of adult secondary insomnia in primary health care.] Acta Med Port 2011;24:135–44.
Copanitsanou P, Sourtzi P. [The effect of educational interventions for the reduction of nursing staff’s occupational stress: systematic review.] Nosileftiki 2016;55:250–62.
Cuijpers P, Dekker J. [Psychological treatment of depression; a systematic review of meta-analyses.] Nederlands Tijdschr Geneesk 2005;149:1892–7.
Daga G, Quaranta M, Notaro G, Urani C, Amianto F, Fassino S. [Family therapy and eating disorders in young female patients: state of the art.] Ital J Psychopathol 2011;17:40–7.
Dahm KT, Landmark B, Kirkehei I, Reinar LM. [The Effects of School Health Services for Children and Young People’s Health and Growing Up Conditions.] Report from Knowledge Centre No. 17. Oslo: National Knowledge Centre for Health Services at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH); 2010.
Dahm KT, Smedslund G, Havelsrud K, Hafstad E, Reinar LM. [Psychological Interventions for Children and Youth with Serious Somatic Illness in Primary Care.] Report from Knowledge Centre No.10. Oslo: National Knowledge Centre for Health Services at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH); 2014.
de Almeida AM, Lotufo Neto F. [Cognitive–behavioral therapy in prevention of depression relapses and recurrences: a review.] Rev Bras Psiquiatr 2003;25:239–44.
de Carvalho MR, Nardi AE, Range B. [Comparison between cognitive, behavioral and cognitive–behavioral approaches in the treatment of panic disorder.] Rev Psiquiatr Clin 2008;35:66–73.
de Cerqueira ACR, Nardi AE. [Depression and multiple sclerosis: on overview.] Rev Bras Neurol 2011;47:11–6.
de Haan E, Huyser C, Boer F. [Obsessive–compulsive disorder in children and adolescents.] Tijdschr Psychiatr 2005;47:229–38.
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Ding Y. [A review of the psychological characteristics and intervention of patients with malignant tumor before and atter treatment.] J Clin Rehabil Tissue Eng Res 2007;11:7951–4.
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박 수 인, 김 연 지, 오 의. 만성적인 신체질환을 가진 환자의 우울 감소를 위한 전화기반 인지행동치료의 효과: 메타분석. J Kor Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs 2018;27:227–39.
김지현, 오복자. 수면장애가 있는 중장년 환자에게 적용한 비약물적 중재의 효과: 메타분석. Kor Adult Nurs 2016;28:13–29.
Elisha D, Karny N, Styr BB. [Psychotherapy – outcome studies and guidelines for evidence-based care policy in Israel.] Harefuah 2011;150:269–74, 302.
Espanol Armengol N, Mijan De La Torre A. [Eating disorders in obesity.] Rev Esp Obes 2006;4:317–27.
Fagiolo D, Berardelli I. [Use of cognitive–behavioural techniques in the treatment of headaches: a systematic review of the last 10-years’ literature.] Med Psicosomat 2007;52:117–24.
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Fan RM, Yang L. [Progress in clinical treatment of insomnia.] Chin J Clin Rehabil 2006;10:149–51.
Fernandes PA, de Carvalho MR. [Neurobiological changes after cognitive–behavioral therapy of obsessive–compulsive disorder.] Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa 2016;32:1–9.
Fischer-Terworth C, Probst P, Glanzmann PG, Knorr CC. [Psychological interventions in dementia: an evaluative review.] Z Psychiatr Psycholog Psychotherap 2009;57:195–206.
Flores-Valdez IH, Leon-Santos MP, Vera-Hernandez E, del Rocio Hernandez Pozo M. [Psychological interventions on stress management and reduction for hypertensive patients: a review of their effectiveness.] Psychologia: Avances de la Disciplina 2013;7:25–44.
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Foldes-Busque G, Marchand A, Landry P. [Early detection and treatment of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia.] Can Fam Physician 2007;53:1686–93.
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Fritsche G, Kroner-Herwig B, Kropp P, Niederberger U, Haag G. [Psychological therapy of migraine: systematic review.] Schmerz 2013;27:263–74.
Fu L, Wu MB, Hu Y. [Influence of cognitive behavioural therapy on depression, medication adherence and quality of life in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV): a systematic review.] Chin J Evid Based Med 2014;14:734–42.
Gärtner-Tschacher N. [The effectiveness of combined active physiotherapy and cognitive, behavioural or cognitive–behavioural therapy approaches in patients with musculoskeletal pain.] Manuelle Therapie 2005;9:11–34.
Gai X-S, Lan G-R, Liu X-P. [A meta-analytic review on treatment effects of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder children in China.] Acta Psychol Sin 2009;40:1190–6.
Gajdos P, Rigo A. [Irritable bowel syndrome: comorbid psychiatric disorders and psychological treatment options.] Orvosi Hetilap 2018;159:2115–21.
Galindo-Vazquez O, Perez-Barrientos H, Alvarado-Aguilar S, Rojas-Castillo E, Alvarez-Avitia MA, Aguilar-Ponce JL. [Cognitive behavioral therapy effects in cancer patients: a review.] Gaceta Mexicana de Oncologia 2013;12:108–15.
Garcia-Perez L, Valdivia-Salas S. [Acceptance and commitment therapy for social anxiety disorder: a systematic review.] Behav Psychol 2018;26:37–92.
Garcia-Torres F, Alos FJ, Perez-Duenas C. [Posttraumatic stress disorder in cancer survivors: a review of the psychological treatments available.] Psicooncologia 2015;12:293–301.
Garcia-Vera MP, Moreno N, Sanz J, Gutierrez S, Gesteira C, Zapardiel A, et al. [Efficacy and clinical utility (effectiveness) of treatments for adult victims of terrorist attacks: a systematic review.] Behavioral Psychology/Psicologia Conductual: Revista Internacional Clinica y de la Salud 2015;23:215–44.
Garcia-Vera MP, Sanz J. [Analysis of the situation of treatments for smoking cessation based on cognitive–behavioral therapy and nicotine patches.] Psicooncologia 2006;3:269–89.
Gellato C. [Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing and Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Adult’s Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder.] PhD thesis. Marseille: Université d’Aix-Marseille II; 2009.
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