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Single Publication


 This publication route is used for NIHR awards where a single publication can report fully and transparently on the award. It provides both an appropriate and proportionate publication to the size of the award, where there is no value in splitting into multiple articles. 

 The manuscript will lay out a single account of the whole research award, providing all the relevant data and evidence to support its conclusions against the overarching research questions and objectives.

 NIHR award teams can achieve this by following one of the agreed Journals Library formats: 

 For each NIHR award publishing via the Journals Library, the manuscript will complete the editorial and production process and be published within the relevant journal. Please note your manuscripts will be due to be submitted 2 weeks after the end date of the award.

 The Funding and Awards website award pages are an opportunity to host additional material that has been used and or created during the lifetime of the research award (i.e. briefings, reports, lay summaries). Hosting these documents on the award webpage to form part of a thread of the research enables transparency and reproducibility. 

 If you have any uncertainties, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the publication team at

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