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Summary style final report guidance

The summary style final report format is as follows:

The synopsis

The total word count for the synopsis may vary depending on your research but it should be a maximum of 15,000 words (authors will be asked to reduce their word count where it exceeds this) and consist of numbered sub-sections – not chapters. This limit includes all text,text within tables, and text within figures and boxes which are contained within the main body of the report. Please note that your report will not proceed to peer review if it is over this limit. The limit does NOT include the Abstract, Scientific Summary and Plain English Summary (which continue to have their own individual word limits). It also excludes the table of contents, references, appendices, supplementary material and additional information (CRediT statement, Data sharing statement, Ethics statement, Information Governance Statement). The synopsis should only describe the research supported by the programme.

The synopsis is the core of the report; it must summarise what you did and what you found out. It should succinctly ‘tell the story’ of the work undertaken as a result of the programme grant – its development, key findings, successes, challenges, recommendations for future research and conclusions. As such, it should provide an accessible synthesis of the entire programme showing clearly how each element relates to and, where appropriate, builds on another. It should be possible to read and make sense of the synopsis as a stand-alone document without referring to other information.

The synopsis needs to include:

Publications list

You should list publications (e.g. articles, letters, conference abstracts, blogs etc. related to the programme) in a separate section of the report, before the references, to show the breadth of impact of the work.

A persistent identifier (PID) or long-lasting reference to the object, such as a digital object identifier (DOI) should be added to this list wherever possible. In the absence of a DOI, a weblink is acceptable.


The NIHR Journals Library is an Open Access publisher, and any content used or linked to will need to have the same open access or appropriate permissions.

The appendices will be an important part of your final report containing a full description of methods, tools, details of interventions and outcomes.

If you are unable to link electronically from the synopsis to necessary Open Access papers these should be provided in your appendices once relevant copyright permissions have been obtained.

Details of any part of the project that is not already published, or unlikely to publish should be reported concisely in an original appendix. Each appendix of this type should take the form of a 2000 word summary of the relevant work. Draft papers will not be accepted as appendices.

All appendices should be referred to in the main body of the report. 

Points to consider about articles used to support your synopsis:

Ultimately, your PGfAR report should bring together all of the strands of the programme in a single place, such that the final report, as a whole, is greater than the sum of the individual parts. It will also act as an archive for the whole research programme.

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