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Multiple Topic


Multiple topic awards involve teams being contracted for a period, often 5 years, during which they are expected to conduct research on a specified number of topics each year. The individual output for each topic holds scientific value and serves the interests of various stakeholders and a broader audience of evidence users.

Information about delivery expectation

For each topic assigned to an award team publishing via the Journals Library, a peer-reviewed single research article reporting on the commissioned work will be required. The article will be due 14 days after the end of the topic.

In most cases the standard research article format should be sufficient, but the extended research article format may be offered where appropriate; this format is to be used only after prior agreement from the publications team, when the single research article is either not appropriate or proportionate for reporting of the topic.

Please note there is flexibility to the ordering of the main body headings so that the research article meets the need for the intended audiences i.e., policy review, patient partnerships etc. If you want to re-order the headings, please provide an outline of the proposed format to your publication team contact for approval before you submit your manuscript to the Journals Library.

Beyond the output for each individual topic, there is the option, with agreement from the publication team, to summarise the learning from a multiple topic award by publishing a Synopsis at the end of the contract. This may consist of a synopsis from each award team, or a combined synopsis across multiple award teams.

Here is a comprehensive but not exhaustive list of some NIHR awards that are expected to follow this publication approach:

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